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  • All I can say to that queston is "yes".
    All of those aspects are prefered and admirable in a friend, but mostly I want a person whom I can be myself around without fearing judgment. I guess this could tie in with the honesty, but then again there's the fact that I want to keep the friends I make. That's where loyalty comes into play.
    Generosity is great, but it's not exactly the best grounds to build a friendship on.
    Normal carnival stuff. Rides, food, midway, etc. Also theres this fun barn place where you can see cows and horses and pigs and sheep. I FREAKING LOVE SHEEP. Sheep are so cute ^_^
    I just go on google, search kirby gif or mario gif or sonic gif or something, and Ta-da! I found an animated avatar! Gif files are usually animated.
    Heh... it's funny when we repeat things without even understanding what we mean. I guess it's human instinct - that's how we learn as children after all...
    Well seriously. Dark subway scene. It's AWESOME. I now require you to watch it sometime soon. Seriously, it's....

    And no, I've never played Final Fantasy before.
    Hey there! Hmm... "fortified soy beverage"? Is that like soy milk? I don't drink that any more.... though I used to a lot.
    Yes and no. It depends on what you're watching the movie for. Me? I was watching the movie for the special effects and more shots of the monster and it's parasites in motion. In that sense I was thuroughly satisfied despite only the breif glimpses I got.
    If you're watching the movie for what most people watch a movie for, story, that you're not going to get much. A going-away party starts, group of friends (one with a camera) hear and see a giant explotion. From there the destruction of Manhatten starts and a person that a main character loves becomes trapped in what was her apartment. The group finds there way to her apartment (the getting there is where the good stuff lies) and frees the girl. They hop into a chopper going out of the city, but the monster plunges them down back to the Earth. A breif up close and personal moment with the moster is shown and eventualy whoever is left alive dies when they completly destroy Mannahten with a large explosion to take out the moster.
    And again, the characters are lacking. So you decide whethor or not to watch it. It's worth a peek though, expesialy the dark and creepy subway scene. :3
    I saw Cloverfield.
    And now I want to see it for the third time today.
    The monsters in that film are epic. The characters are severly lacking though. GIVE ME MORE PARASITES.
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