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  • Apples? any way, I covo stalked you and notory (again...I'm so naughty XD) What did you say that made her so upset?
    You have no idea how long I dreamed about THAT but...

    No, we were actually on that bridge in Harry Potter when the death eaters made it collapse. We didn't die, though :P
    Heh, just got it. Thanks, though.

    So I had this weird dream the other night. You were in it, and I person I presume was Notory, but nothing like I imagine her.
    No, actually. I like it, I mean, it kind of makes us feel important.

    Anyway, do you remember the link to the personality disorder test we took?
    I don't want to talk about it anymore.
    Look, it's painful. Talking or even just typing about it hurts. I might get around to sending an e-mail with an explanation, but I'm not sure.

    And I feel the need to reply to that I'm invisible/unwanted/don't belong to them thing, you don't belong to anybody nor should it ever be that way. Us as humans require freedom to be happy, belonging to someone is not what to want. Feeling like you're accepted was what you were looking for.
    I gotta ask, from kindergarten to first grade were you completly friendless? And in first grade all of your "friends" just used you to do their dirty work and left you to get in trouble while they planned to dump you in the harshest way possible? And even after that when you actualy got a good and true friend did you lose her quickly because you had no idea what being a friend really ment?
    Did it cause you pain a strife all through the rest of your life as you tried desperatly to understand what a friend really was, but in the end because you're so scared and introverted nobody wants you as a friend anyways?

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