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  • Sure, I'd love to read it! I tend to get ideas late at night too, so maybe that would be the best way to go about it. You know, writing at night.
    Not the worst, probably, but the most recent.

    EDIT: Aww... I've never done a Nuzlocke. I don't think I could handle it. But I do have a monotype planned for the very distant future.
    I make a lot of mistakes like that too, except mostly they're typos. Once in a conversation with Squorn I said a whole question twice and never noticed it.

    Aw, man. Losing your starter in a Nuzlocke really sucks. :( Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can at least find something just as useful to replace it!
    That'd be nice, but I'm not sure what she'd include.

    Oh. Why are you referring to Storm as Korris? :o Hmm... makes me wonder what it'd be like to be called Rebecca.


    That's fine.

    I have a Japanese DW vaporeon I got in a trade from someone else, if you want it; I can breed another on my own once I finally manage to SR a decent female eevee.

    Haha, yeah, crits suck. Makes me wish there was an item like the iron rune from Fire Emblem to keep them from happening--probably wouldn't be that great an idea competitively, but for ingame it'd be a godsend.
    Oh. That oneshot was pretty cool, though! I liked it.

    Yeah. I'm... not exactly sure how long a page looks on FF.Net, but the prolouge was really short. No offense.

    Oh noooooo. That does sound interesting, though. I'm always afraid I make my optimists too happy. Who died? :o

    Well I was looking at Storm's profile (preparing a post for Sanctic and didn't want to be ninja'd) a few days ago and saw a link to your profile. I was curious about your fanfics, so I checked.

    ... Sorry if I sound like a stalker.
    The bronzong would be cool; can it be nicknamed? If not, that's still fine. I got an espeon from the DW myself, though, and I have access to multiple DW eevee through my Japanese game, so you can keep your espeon; you're putting more effort into SRing for a good one than I did. :P

    The detect patrat thing is clever. :) Hope it goes well, then.
    I have just about all of those or things that are close enough, but at this point it's gotten so easy for me to clone most of my shinies that I don't mind trading with you anyway. Just let me know when you're ready, and good luck with your Nuzlocke!
    Wait, Stormecho is expanding to a full fic? I thought it was just a oneshot. Also, not to prod but when are you going to update that? I'm curious about your interpretation of Rebecca.
    Ah, no, you're doing really well considering it's your first battle! You've already caught several loopholes and things I've missed. I'm enjoying it so far!
    Possibly, but I'd imagine it'd be a more composed joking. Like the mix of this and the trollface.

    Hmm... mine are pretty simple interpretations! Right now I'm just sketching in pen, though, so you can't really see the colors. My art is also really bad, so it usually doesn't turn out like I imagine.

    EDIT: I didn't draw Psy yet, but I did do a quick doodle of the pichu and Jackie.
    That... is amazing. Jackie would probably joke about it (and maybe make another song or something).

    ... You have inspired me to make Sanctic art. Which is good, because I've already been sketching out a possible human!Rebecca on paper. And I might even scan it!
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