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  • Not like it would have much of a difference, unless she becomes human first... I'm still debating over that. Now what other faces could the others have?

    Yeah. I suppose I got absol because I tend to be blunt st first, but when I know someone well I sort of act like a spinda.
    Oh. Well, maybe Rebecca will be the one making that face when the time comes. How a linoone would replicate that face I'm not sure. However, if we're making faces... it amuses me to think that your pichu will have a mental breakdown wearing this face.

    Perhaps. What result(s) do you get on that quiz?
    I'm actually sort of wondering what this breakdown could entail... if your character faints Rebecca might think it's evolution. xD After Aryan's case, she's going to be a lot more open minded about what might be evolution and what isn't.

    Yeah... I get a lot of different answers on personality tests. This time I managed to get a ninetales, so I suppose it just varies depending on my mood.
    I could imagine that.

    xD I'm just a lot more shy in real life... not really full of "bleak resentment", but certainly not as outgoing.
    Hmm... the reason I wasn't really rooting for ice is because it seems less volatile. That probably sounds a bit silly, but in my opinion ice really seems more calculated, you know?

    Yeah. Even with me... I really did get both of those quiz results in my signature. Different circumstances can really change a person's actions, I guess.
    Thanks for reminding me, though. I probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't.

    Lol, who knows? As far as I know, though, she's the only poké-nobody in existance...hopefully. xD
    I'd say fire would make the most sense; even though poison would fit with the whole "toxic waste" thing electricity is more similar to fire.

    Sounds interesting. She could be curious about how dangerous things are, too. xD Being curious doesn't mean you're carefree, after all!
    Greetings there Skyman, or Sky, if that's alright? I was just wondering if you'd be up for a little Sanctic plotting sometime. Your character seems interesting. x3 And the security Crusaders you're taking hold of too. I don't suppose they could use backup from a non-scientist character for a change? One that isn't completely demented?
    It is? *looks* Oh, I didn't notice. I've been trying to make a Safari Zone area for a while now...

    And yes, it is a Pikachu in an Organization XII cloak. :3
    hey, BTW, it'sme DarkAura, and i changed my username. Just telling you so you wont get confused at me posting on an ASB battle.=P

    I, um. I. Um.
    I'm really not able to respond to all that massive chunk of text, but I did read it. And my first thought, sadly, was "aspergers? :o That is the same as me!"
    I. I don't really have any experience with nervous breakdowns. But. I do know that it can help most anything just to talk to someone about it. And I don't like to let people just suffer in silence; I know how painful that is.
    So my proposal is as thus: we shall be friends. If you should ever need the limited advice I can offer, someone to vent at, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to make sure you're not alone, I'm happy to help.
    (Do you happen to have a yahoo mail account? It is far easier to talk on there.)
    I know there's a good crazy: I'm good crazy!

    But yeah, it's not doing anything good for my depression. And you're depressed too? :c
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