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  • i have? XD thats supossed to be the game!XD. BTW, if you have the time, can you ref the next round in my battle?
    I can see how that would go, not being able to dislike the main character.

    Oh God, I HATE those things too. I really do. They just made me completely exhausted in the game, fighting like several of them so many times I just was all blargh and took a really long break in playing it.

    Because she's overpowered? She's very diverse. I mean, she's a Ravager, Commando, and a Medic. And I think those are the three classes that people want under their control. I tried other characters once, but I don't trust the AI sometimes to do the healing, and sometimes it's just such an emergency that I need to heal people but the other characters aren't Commandos who can heal unless you go out of your way and I don't want to do that.

    FFXII... yeah. It wasn't so good. I haven't played it years just because of how bad a taste in my mouth the gameplay left.

    Yes, that's a good point.

    (I replied to it.)
    Maybe we are all in very deep sleeps and the world as we perceive it is all just a fantasy. Then when we die we will awaken in a higher plane of existence, our entire lifespan having been condensed into a single night's dream.
    Ah yes, most people don't seem to like Hope. I liked him though, I thought he was cute. But I suppose that's just my preference, I have an odd habit for liking characters that other people don't, especially those thought to be whiny. (Like Tidus, oh, everybody hates him.) And oh God, I know. Those enemies just... honestly, I would need to take so many breaks, I'm on a long break now from the final dungeon because I know there's probably going to be ridiculous amounts of fighting. The game has just gotten hard and enemies annoying and I really can't be bothered to level up ridiculously, it's so tedious. I'm really not looking forward to the final boss if it's as difficult as you say, I'm not really so highly leveled, I wouldn't think. I'll... see what I can do because I just can't be bothered to grind.

    On my team, I usually run Lightning (also under my control), Fang, and Hope. I use Hope in the same way you use Vanille, plus buffing, and Fang with debuffing and Sentinel which is useful for huge gangs of enemies. I just prefer using them because they cover all of the classes in the game without you having to go out of your way.

    FFXII I hated the gameplay of too. So confusing, and not really a well-done example of AI controlled things unlike FFXIII. FFX-2, well... I don't dislike it, but I don't like it as much as X, the music is particularly atrocious in that comparison. I agree that the gameplay is pretty fun, and that FFXIII reminded me of FFX-2 when I first played it, it does seem paradigm-ish.

    (Ah, go ahead. Just out of interest, what's this story about then?)
    Oh, that's a really good one. My second favourite. I also like Kingdom Hearts, I've played many games from there too. Hee hee, I'm glad you've managed to find more though. VII is also a great game, although it was one that confused me greatly when I was younger. Just that crazy backstory and all of Cloud's odd identity crisises. What disc is that about on?

    Oh, I have XIII too, but I haven't finished it yet, but am really close to doing so. I like it too, I really don't mind the linearness so much. It's just that some of the levels go on for really long and it's just battle after battle and I feel really fatigued after playing that game sometimes. There's not really a lot of NPCs to break up the battling so much, which I like about RPGs. That's the main problem I have about it. But the story is top-notch, just as good as previous FFs, and I love all of the characters. Great characters, not a single one I dislike. And the gameplay is pretty fun, I enjoy the battles. (Though not the weapon customizing feature, I'll be honest I can't make heads or tails of that.)
    Same with me! Ah, what was your first FF? Mine was Final Fantasy IX, although I do adore VIII and X as seen in my signature.
    I'm not picky, I just hold my works to a standard of quality!

    I doused you with gasoline, too.

    (Okay. And I have the gift of ~optimism~! <3)
    Well not for me.

    *Douses everyone with water*

    (In which time zone? :P If I'm Rebecca then you're Psy. And I want to be Rebecca, so.)
    If you're around now, I can get on for about another hour... If you can't, I'll be on in ~seven hours after that. If you log in and I'm online, it's a safe bet that I'm around.
    In the meantime, have a hug *hugggg*

    EDIT: Yeah, there's no longer enough time for it now. I'll see you tonight, okay? *hug* Stay safe.
    Convenient isn't good enough!


    ('Kay then. Hopefully Storm will post then, because I don't have any (nor do I plan to have) a second character to extend my post length. Heh, you did this time. Good job, Psy. x3)
    I honestly just opened Paint up, spent about two seconds picking the color (I still hate that type of red, but) and then drew it. It's very lazy, but thanks. :>

    Well, sometimes I roll more than once...

    (That's very often why I delay posting! Right now I'm just waiting for more material, though. I'm hoping Storm posts because she did it before me, but I suppose if nothing happens in a few days I could get away with a short one.)
    With the scarf.

    Definitely not. The RNG is the truth.

    (I usually do. I try to copy it every paragraph or so, but then every once in a while I forget/I think I copied but it didn't recognize it and then I angst when I lose two paragraphs. Sometimes I lose more, and then I really sadface. D:)
    I can edit that in! And this is the mental breakdown face, right?

    Oops, sorry. I assumed he was a she at the beginning and kind of just skimmed over the character form. (I do it for the simplest things. I'm very indecisive, you see.)

    (Oh, good. I raaage too because I've lost huge posts to it many times. Luckily not that many times with Sanctic, but with other RPs...)
    And my art has become canon, right? :D The mutations were slightly shaky, but it'll be fun having a new person to shake things up. Too bad she can't come with our group, though. Oh well. We have enough people, and Exo is probably getting bored because he can't post.

    (Oh. Did you get the P0RGN-Z one? I'll admit I forgot to reply to the other one; I was going to but then the server said it was too busy and I had to fight it to send that one PM. After that I had to go do something and I forgot. :|)
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