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    She's sensitive about her height. Also, she'll take it back later. It's very rude, actually.

    ((Haha I know. That is the most OOC she can get before she takes a chainsaw to Aryan's face. I just couldn't resist it.))
    ... Let's just say canon for now. AAANNNGGGSSSTTT

    No. But I drew something!
    Generally people with a more subtle approach to matters. They don't have to be complete pacifists, but rather have an open mind and a pragmatic outlook. It also helps if they get on with what they're doing, although he can be quite patient with people. Kind of because he's aware of how much trouble he really has been as a tag-along, and how eager he is to settle that account.

    He is somewhat philosophical now. So perhaps they can work it out on more equal footing in terms of parnership? They're both self-aware, but their talents are quite contrasting. I suppose at the very least they begin to cover one another's respective weaknesses. Perhaps it could begin like that?
    Urg... sorry for the late reply. xP Been swamped with work lately. Not enough time to plot with you properly.

    Psy has a lot of promise as a character, in my eyes. And I'd love to see him and Aryan interacting more! Especially now that Aryan is a little more adept with his responses. A brains/muscle combination could be possible at the most basic level, since Psy seems to be the kind of person Aryan likes; courtesy of Rebecca's influence.

    As for your Crusaders, I'll see if I can give them some support - literally. As long as it ties in with the continuity you've established for them so far, maybe I could pitch you a character idea or two? Nothing too complicated of course. I'd be happy with just being able to contribute to them in the first place.
    That makes sense. I suppose Rebecca is just going to get more mature with age, sadly. I don't get any more evolution shenanigans unless I make a new character. :/

    I am Rebecca. I won't, Psy!
    Pfft. For some animals I'm pretty sure that's enough of an age difference! Too bad pokemon don't work like that...

    'Kay. I will resume my artmonkeying shortly!

    ... Heh heh. Short. xD
    It would. And Rebecca would pretend not to be offended but in the end she'd be pretty miffed.

    FIRST, A QUESTION. To prevent myself being burned: is Psy going to be a gardevoir or gallade? I've got Rebecca done and she looks mostly fine (though I did try five separate times), so this might go well enough to be uploaded~
    Pffhaha. That will possibly be the greatest thing ever. And...

    You really need to stop making me be a slave to Sanctic fanart. I just hope I won't mess up the drawing. xD
    Yes, they are. :O I thought they'd be taller than a zorua, but... that's pretty ridiculous!
    Later, I guess. I'm writing.


    Yeah. I need MOAR DYRECT references. These are too sneaky! xD

    (The power of music is working! Got the first paragraph almost done.)

    ((I suppose not. I just have a problem with optimistic characters. Okay, sounds good.))
    Me too :( I still have a few Sanctic arts that I haven't uploaded, but honestly I'm afraid to.

    YA RLY!

    It was waaay back, and it wasn't as much of a reference as it was a quote. Rebecca was lamenting about her headache (she kept using headbutt) and was thinking about how she used it as a battering ram. One conversation with Silver and then my usertitle was use your head as a battering ram! In capslock. I'm going to go work on it right now, hopefully I can actually write.)

    ((Yeah. And it always seems that my first posts are OOC! Looking back Rebecca seemed way too hyperactive. Sure! Have anything you'd like me to revise or something?))

    EDIT: Originally posted the image instead of linked. IT WAS A BAD IDEA.
    A standard of being good. Except I frequently don't live up to them, sadly.

    You moved too late! Plus magic coat only works on attacks.

    (Oh nooo isn't optimistic at all! x3 Plus, I've had a vaguely Sanctic related usertitle before. It's not that new. Anyway, since you posted I'll start working on one of mibe.)

    ((Hmm... makes sense. I'm actually afraid of playing canon characters (I have a feeling I'd mess them up) so I just always play my own. It does sounds difficult... maybe I could try to help with Rebecca's parts. If you want, I mean.))
    The first time I played, Braska's Final Aeon, the almost final boss, was extremely hard. But I was an idiot kid back then, now it's pretty much easy for me too. Especially with some of those Secret Aeons. I prohibited myself from using them on my latest playthrough just because it would make things too anti-climatic. And yeah, grinding levels in FFX was pretty easy... it's an extreme chore in FFXIII, it's like the little sphere of light in the Crystanarium takes FOREVER to move.

    The setting was fleshed out, yeah, but I don't really tend to take interest in places so much as characters. I don't know, I just thought everyone was bland. I didn't get extremely far either, I think about mid-game and then I stopped. I was just fatigued by the long long dungeons, and getting killed by things and then no save point to save you because the next one is like crazy far away.

    (From what I've read, it sounds more like a tactical sort of game. Which really isn't my thing, but I might look at some videos.)
    That's true. I don't think I've ever disliked a main character of something now that I think of it. And if I did, I don't think I partook in that something for very long.

    Oh, that sounds like a stereotypical Final Fantasy boss. They are something like that. And there's always more than one final boss, like a bajillion forms of them or something. Although it still sounds rather dreadful, I'll probably get beaten a few times until I figure out a good strategy even when using a walkthrough. The last one's also usually the easiest with the middle ones being an absolute jog. I mean, look at FFX's final bosses.

    Yeah, that's true. A tendency to use the main characters is what people have. And ah, I'll probably get FFXIII-2 when I finish FFXIII. I hear it features Serah as a main character or something of the sort. She's actually... playable. I really hope it isn't as bad as FFX-2 though, they better keep the same composer.

    The story kind of confused the heck out of me. Too many factions and politics and I just found it boring. I mostly tend to like stories focusing on personal relationships and stuff like that. Also, most of the characters just seemed really flat to me and didn't have much of a role. Vaan just sort of sat there and wasn't really a main character at all and seemed shoe-horned in for no reason. Oh and I remember that. Lack of save points, it felt like playing an old SNES-style FF, I hated it.

    (Got it. And nope, I haven't played it. What's it about?)
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