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  • I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea. DX And I'm not really in the mood to think right now.
    That'd work. Also slight irritation, but mostly drowned out with optimism.
    Yes, I suppose I'll edit that out. But you've probably noticed how many times he's tried, and failed miserably, to use plot control.
    And all I have to say is
    It's not just the Ralts - Emile hates all the Psychics, but Ralts in particular; I suspect if they did meet, he'd go berserk in some kind (though now that Psy's evolved, there's more of a chance for that not to happen, on account of Emile not knowing of the Ralts line.)
    I'm still deciding on whether or not it will catch him. His berserking charge did take him far, and I'll probably make that decision based on what happens next...
    I figured out what happened there, I was deprived of sleep and I thought Super Fang took away 50% of your total health at that point. Which is true, it halves your health. But I also carried the 50% over into the Accuracy, which is why I used a pseudo-coin-flipper to decide the hit/miss. That's two stupid mistakes right there, but I edited the post saying I saw the mistakes after posting, so hopefully it won't count too much against me. For the first one I couldn't even find anything that told me the energy-heal-cap on chills.
    Hmm, you're a bit low-leveled, but, nobody else wants to. So go on right ahead. It'll probably get you to level 5 if you do it well enough.
    Eeep, that's ridiculously slow. :/ I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck with the name - I went for pretentious Latin phrases when stuck. And then for a fanfic centred around a trainer and her Natu, I chose a Nahuatl word to fit the Aztec theme. x3 But those weren't really thought up on my own.
    I'm afraid I'm not good with fanfic titles. x3 My Pokemon fanfic has the worst title ever, but I haven't changed it due to nostalgia, so you'll need to think of something yourself.

    Congrats on the account approval, though~
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