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  • Sounds interesting... I'm actually working on an RP forum. I doubt it'll last long but I mainly wanted to set it up. I'd like you and silver to give me a hand if you don't mind.

    I have a similar problem with deleted posts, i rarely get them to the same standard.
    Of course. What's your idea? I've got one too but I'd like to see yours.
    You don't need a collab account; one makes the thread, then the other two ask a mod to be threadmins- mods for that certain thread.
    Alright! A group RP! It's odd how I came up, but it's nice to know people think this! It would be interesting, I haven't seen many group RP's before, so it should have an interesting outcome! :D

    I think that would be a good thing. If someone wasn't on and another person was, they could accept, decline, and edit things. I don't know if we would need permission, but we could always ask to be sure.
    Heh, I confuse many people with this name change.
    Fair enough.
    I have a naturally good brain, as my friend put it a 'Dual-Core Brain'. If Silver helps out it could wind up an excellent RP. I've found that she is good at Plot points, I'm fairly good at ideas and you have your own touch with RPs. Yes, I'll plan a few ideas whenever I don't have internet. But first I have to fix up my 7 pages of GML code before tomorrow.
    Anyway, I'm sure a good RP can come along from a group effort.
    Does it involve Pikaman?
    Understandable. I'll get a look when i can.
    Well, I hope you can get it fixed right. I don't have a wii (yet) so I reeally can't think of any way to help. Good luck.
    Oh crap, I completely forgot. I was gone all day yesterday. I'm sorry, I should have everyone signed up and eveything in about 10 min.
    Forgive me for my newbieness but...who's Ellie :3? I'm sure it's wonderful, though ^^

    EDIT: Nevermind, I looked back at the thread. Elliekat, yesh it's a very nice pixel hat :D
    We just copy and pasted our avatars into Paint or some other graphics program and made them ourselves :3
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