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  • Well when people have secret roles you really have to wait and see what you get to understand it. You eventually get the hang of it.
    ...I don't want wall ice cream. The wall could be covered with alchohol since Wargle spiked the air a while ago. You should eat it instead.
    Ah...I was gone for a while cuz I got in trouble...What did I do to you? And no one ever said I couldn't come in through the window.
    Ah, I wasn't familiar with Neon just Jared. Maybe you should join the Era of Escape RP? Those books do seem to have some popularity in my school, I might read them after our competition for Battle of the Books is over, I've been busy reading those books. Why would you leave cuz you wanted to RP?
    Probably a lot, but the admins caught on.

    Aw :( ok. Let me make sure I know the characters...Jared from Egg Holders right? And Neon...don't know him.
    Oh, okay. I that you meant it was out of character as in not very reastic for Envy, not that what you said was out of character as in asking the thread. Sorry.

    So yeah. We've kind of got some new stuff going on in the RP now, if you could jump back in. Leon kissed Silver and Envy saw, so she told Gredia and Adeline. Then things exploded. :)
    Um, seriously? Do you not find that at least a little rude? It's the first post and I specifically said it was going to be played out. It's my character and really, you have no idea whether it would be out of character for her to do something based on the signup form which I said was not concrete.

    Sure, it could be a little more 'mask'-y, but it is not OOC just because you say so. I'm not editing my post. Really, you should delete yours.

    RPing is meant to be fun, you know.

    And the smug way you said it? Really annoying.
    Attacking first, like they're still going with the government, and then start formulating more of a plan to escape.
    Just set it up ^^ And what did the PM say? I couldn't open it for some reason.
    Yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine though.

    Yeah, It could be worse. It could be throwing pringles.
    Fair enough. I swap avatar's every month or so. I can understand, I tend to keep my real and internet lives seperate.

    Okay, I'll ask her soon.
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