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  • Oh. Alright.

    It's been a while, hasn't it? (Yeah, this is Mewtini here :D) I think my personality has changed a bit since we last talked...
    Hm...I might I just might forget about it eventually. I'll PM you anyway and check it out.
    Hey, are you planning on continuing the The Games RP? It sounds like an interesting concept and I don't want to see it go inactive.
    Haha. Apparently they didn't expect people to go on forums with their iPod. Yeeeaaaah. CURSE YOU APPLE! D:<
    Oh, I'm sorry! Here.
    Well, I've decided on the banner shop possibility. I am going to do it, and I'm going to make a new thread on it. So, let's see what happens...

    I'm sorry!
    Well, I've decided on the banner shop possibility. I
    do it, and
    So, let's see what happens...
    Ohh, ok. But yeah, overall nice, but need work on
    1. Outline
    2. Simplicity
    3. Shading
    4. DESIGN

    the last one is the most important. Some of the parts look like they were stuck on at the last minute. Especially the Darkrai/Metagross one.
    Hmm. They're pretty nice, but I think they could be a little simpler. Some look cluttered. And the three Jirachi-based ones look a little odd. But that's because I'm not used to dragon Jirachi. The Lucario one could use a little outline work, and more shading. But overall, they look nice.
    Oh...I'll do the transparency again. It's alright. I still don't know about the banner..it depends on how well I can use GIMP. That entirely, since I think that people like good banner shops. I'm not good at avatars, but I could try again... also, I'm going to start getting workers for the shop. It's getting way too busy for a nine year old who is still in school. I'll make a new thread asking for workers, and start PMing people who have potential. I haven't seen your work. Unless, of course, you did say you gave up spriting... I do need help though.
    Hey. Got it on Tinypic. Was that what you needed? And the image:

    Got a new signature, and might open a new banner shop OR do it in the same thread. What do you think I should do?
    So you need me to upload Snivy to Tinypic, huh? If you need it that bad, I'll upload it there. I was trying not to make my e-mail not used too much...don't want spam. That is why I was so apprehensive. Sorry! I'll try I guess.
    So, how was the Snivy? I got it transparent, and check the first post (with the examples) I edited it, and I forgot to add that I do two more types of spriting! Thanks!
    Are you sure? I remember the WPA being fine for the DSi, but not the DS and DS Lite. I have a DS Lite. And I don't think we'll be going to GameStop, it's snowy on the West Coast. But melting. I'll ask, but I'm falling behind in school, well, cyberschool.
    I would love that, but I don't think I would need the Suicune(I got the Crown Entei and Raikou), and I don't know my friend code. But oh yeah, I'm getting White Zekrom is awesome. But I don't have Wi-Fi. We have connection, but it's WPA and not WEP. I could Pokesav the Celebi, but I love getting legitimate things. I really wish I had WEP... sorry, I can't. Then again, I don't know if my family would want me to play with someone I met on a forum...just saying.
    Thanks! They are from two months practice...I would show you my first splice (Dialga and Palkia) which was really, really awesome, but I had it on another computer and someone deleted it. Then even deleted it in the Recycle Bin Dx
    Ah, 16, that's what I was looking for. Yeah. I'm broke, but I work over the summer and that's where I make most of my money.
    I don't have an Ipod yet, saly. Going to get an 18 or 20 (i think...) gig itoucch over the summer when I get more money.
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