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  • Unless you get trades with people in different countries and breed the trades, then it'll be like 4x higher! O:

    Bling-bling is fun to do C:

    This was a *totally awesome* experience :D
    Now you can go tradin' with all kindsa people P:
    That's like totally awesome O: You made him all creepy and badass, and for some reason I really like the shapes in the background, they remind me of some cave paintings or something ancient like that CB
    I really adore your sketchy-still-clean sort of way of drawing, I can never get it right myself :P
    And don't worry, I dont think I see any glaring anatomy mistakes so it's all cool C:
    Thank you so much, really <3
    I love seeing my characters translated into different styles but I rarely get people to do art trades :V You're officially an amazing person now CB

    but hey
    here's something for you then
    Why can't I ever make anything serious? :U
    Okay, sounds good C:

    That's nice of you CB
    I'm perfectly used to the fact everything on the internet takes ages but I truly appreciate that you're not going to make me wait o3o
    I had this crazy burst of inspiration so I kind of finished my side of the art trade already :x
    Do you want to see it now or after you've done your part (no need to rush, btw)?
    I think there's a method that needs a shiny Pokemon to figure it out, some kind of math thingy, not sure what it entails. But with an AR you can check your game's SID with any Pokemon. The code I use changes the Pokemon's trainer ID to your game's SID until you turn the code off.

    Sure, just let me know when next time we're both online and you can get on Wifi.
    If I could borrow one of your Pokemon I could check the SID for you, and make you one. O: If I used my SID I'd have to hatch the egg in my game, but if you don't mind that...
    Ahh, I've never actually watched MAR, and I never got around to reading more than the first volume of the manga, I think. Nah, the characters in Baccano! don't really make crazy faces, but it has a point of making the viewer like all of the characters, because the cast is fucking awesome.

    You should check it out; it's an anime you'd need to watch either multiple times, or watch the whole thing through in one sitting cause it's a little confusing, but that's moot, considering how awesome it is, plus it's only 16 episodes long.
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