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Squornshellous Beta

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  • go ahead, but I gotta run somewhere right now so this is what I have for now.
    also I got a nasty scrape yesterday on my hand. Fell down an unpaved driveway, tangled up on a bike. >:[
    No, I guess I didn't.
    Okay, I guess. :| Again, I'm sorry for your loss... Even though you apparently hated them...
    You sure? I can't help feeling you're hiding some other emotionunder the 'GoodIhopetheyallrotinhell' face, although I'm not sure what. Cause. You know. It's hidden.

    If I'm bothering you in some manner, just tell me to your verb of choice off.
    Okay, that's pretty fucked up. But isn't your sister gay, too? I thought you mentioned something about her girlfriend...
    Only when I'm in a really good writing mood. Trust me, I've had NO motivation these past few days.
    Beign miserable and being mournful aren't the same thing. And why wouldn't you care? They were your family.

    If I'm getting too personal don't hesitate to tell me to piss off or something
    No problem, I was just dropping a reminder in case you thought I wasn't going to get around to it anytime soon.
    For the record, I am currently performing a REFEREE SPREE, though there's two battles that have been waiting for longer than yours that I'm currently working on.
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