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Squornshellous Beta

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  • ... Okay...
    Generally if you're going for that sort of thing "I see..." or something similar is better than "Oh", which is generally just a word that we use just to say something in a tone that indicates our emotional state.
    Eep, sorry. I was trying to make more of a joke than a harsh accusation. Didn't work very well :/

    It can be both, actually. Generally when used with an exclamation point, it is a positive remark, and when used with a period, it is a negative.
    I want an animated sprite for my alternately coloured Alomomola to go along with the still-image sprite and the party sprite. Would you be able to do that?

    Oh, I have no idea what either one is xD. Homestuck didn't grab my attention, and I'm guessing Squiddle is just a funny word.
    Jackhammer Rotom, eh? Doesn't sound like it would be too bad... What color/element is it?

    and will do
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