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Squornshellous Beta

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  • I really don't want to go =/ It'll cut into my programs too, and I'll have to start over when I get back -__-

    A nuzlocke, one of those insanely annoying challenges filled with rules to apply to your Pokemon games =x There's a thread somewhere here =o
    I'm trying to use the internet as much as I can before I leave =/

    On an unrelated note, I just started a nuzlocke challenge on Emerald =o
    :( Your Grrr post is rather an intimidating wall of grr. But still, that boy needs to be filleted.
    It'll be torture without some homely comforts like talking to friends, including you =/
    Sorry I couldn't talk to you yesterday! Bowling took longer than expected and then my parents took me to the mall. x.x But we can arrange another day. Or use visitor messages. Whatever pleases you!
    I didn't expect you to be able to reply to that massive chunk-I honestly didn't know just how damn large it WAS until after I posted it and I saw it. When I did, I went "*mouth drops open* My life sucks this much? D=" The worst part is the fact that isn't everything. Far from it. I didn't even get into the fact that my parents hate each other, yet stay under the same roof, how I have been moving back and forth between 5 different houses, having to uproot myself each and every time, or several other things. And thank you.
    (Yes, I do actually! I'll send it to you in a PM since I don't want it too out in the open.)
    I don't believe it: we have found the first good crazy person known to us!

    Yes, I am. Its been going on since I was about 10, when some kids at my private CHRISTIAN school decided "Hurr durr lets insult the kid with Aspergers because he's different! That won't kick off a 5-year depression at all!" Seriously, all of those bastards were so hypocritical for going to a CHRISTIAN school, yet they would hurl insult after insult at me. This one guy even tried to make things as awkward as he possibly could by pretending to be gay, hit on me all of the time, saying he stalks me and watches me in my house, even stooping so low as to say that HE WATCHES ME FUCKING SHOWER. Because, of course, when you're 10-13(because that's how long this lasted), that won't disturb you at all. The worst part? HE AND EVERYBODY ELSE WAS NEVER FUCKING PUNISHED. I told the numerous teachers, I told my aunt(my dad and mom were living in northern florida at the time, I was living in southern florida), hell, I even told the damn principal, and only 2 people(my aunt and my 6th grade math teacher) believed me and tried to do something about it. Of course, they failed, because guess what? One of the teachers is THAT PRICKS FUCKING MOM, and HE COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE DOING THESE HORRIBLE THINGS. NOT HER LITTLE PERFECT FUCKING ANGEL. I swear, I hope that bitch and her asshole of a son both rot in hell

    Of course, when I left that school nothing changed. The location and the kids might have, but not what happened. At least during this time, I had at least SOME friends beyond my cousin. They weren't many, but they were still there. I also began going out with my ex-girlfriend there(we had known each other for about 2 years prior as just friends) for over a year, which helped out more than you would believe. It gave me somebody to talk to, a reason to live beyond having the intelligence to know how stupid it would be kill myself(Ironically enough, my intelligence also makes me even more depressed since it makes me realize just how little I have truly contributed to the world and just how much I have screwed up in it instead).

    Of course, after we broke up a little while ago, things have gotten worse and worse, reaching a boiling point when I had an emotional breakdown on my bus on the way home from school in February. Luckily, I had at least 1 friend on the bus that day, who managed to help calm me down and get me out of the little ball that I was pretty much in, crying my heart out at my horrible situation. That was the closest my parents came to realizing I'm depressed, but they shrugged it off and simply told me to go to somebody at the school to get the kid who "triggered" this outburst punished. It wasn't actually that guys fault, though, and I don't blame him at all, so instead I just went up to my World History teacher(she's also the AP Psychology teacher) during lunch and told her what happened. She talked to me for a few minutes, then took me down to the Guidance counselor(who I honestly just assumed helped out with things involving school and not issues like that) to get more help. I stayed there for all of my Spanish class(~50 minutes) while I explained some things. Now, I regret it since I didn't tell her everything, and maybe I could have avoided some of these issues I'm having if I did tell her everything.

    Still, after that, not much has happened to me to further aggravate my depression. I have more friends than I used to, I even managed to make up with one of the kids who picked on me when I was 10 since he didn't do it too much, and nobody does anything to me in a hurtful way now that I'm in highschool. Still, with my breakdown still fresh in my mind, I have a feeling its only a matter of time before it happens again, and then what am I gonna do?
    Still, you don't deserve to meet so many assholes/crazy people(the bad kind, since there may or may not be such thing as a good kind of crazy) at all. It probably only makes your depression worse, which shall never be a good thing. Trust me, I know, since mine is only getting worse with each day =\
    Jesus, really? Wonder why you seem to have horrible luck with meeting insane/dickish guys :c
    *takes out 5 1-gallon gas containers* Good thing I got an emergency supply of gas just in case a hurricane hits.
    Holy Jesus Christ(for lack of a better phrase), that guy is an absolute DICK. Wait, that's being generous. That's assuming that he did something minor or was just being somewhat of a jerk. What he did was 20x worse, and expulsion should only be the beginning for the punishment he gets.
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