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  • But uh, yeah.
    if you ever so much as think about stealing my memes again, I'll smack you so hard you'll get frequent flyer miles
    Wait that was a good one... i'm gonna go write that down...
    Btw you can make a post in the rp uf you want to
    left a sort of opening for you to do something or something
    Haha, yeah, that's his job! (I just censored your last message there since I haven't fought all my matches yet. ^^;)
    X is fine! Is your friend code in the tourney thread for X? I don't see you on my online list atm.
    Oh, no problem! :D I'm glad, it's nice seeing new members get and stay involved! I used to not be very active here, but it's been kinda neat coming back and watching the community grow. Granted, it was probably similar when I wasn't active, but now I can appreciate it more. (That... whole paragraph wasn't really much related to the original topic, but hey why not I guess!) Anyway you're welcome!
    I've been meaning to finish one soon, but time's been at a premium. You're free to look for e-refs if you'd rather, although as far as I can tell ASB in general hasn't exactly been lightning fast lately. I definitely still intend to get one up at some point hopefully soon, though.
    I would say yes, if it's not too much hassle to do so for you. I've realised that I made a mistake in posting the Singles OU format anyway but it's a bit too late to go back on myself now. ...Additionally since we're grass-only it doesn't make a HUGE difference. You can probably tell that the WiFi league has been dusty for quite a while. :p
    If they haven't posted in the absence sheet, then it's just the DQ time; if they have, then I think it's a month? Though a lot of the time battles will sit for longer. That's definitely a Question Box thing though.
    No one posted for another two weeks after I rewrote the last post. It's been another ten days since I closed it, and no one has objected. If you would like me to reopen it, I will.
    Its always interesting when that happens, when one of your characters has a similar name to some other real famous or infamous person.
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