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  • Not sprite, but something you're comfortable with. Maybe an image edit? I'm not really good with Photoshop and stuff like that.
    again, probably don't have Wi-fi on my DS.

    And in White right now I'm at the sixth gym. My Dewott hasn't even evolved yet, sorry.
    I have White.

    It's just, I'm not sure if I have access to Wi-fi on my DS. Nor am I in any point of my game that I would have any of the things you're asking for.

    Why do you need them, though?
    I know.

    The only that you have to give them is your e-mail address, and I have it set to block emails from here, as well as not show it to anyone.
    mostly because I created this account without their knowledge, and they would not be pleased if they found out.

    I figure if they find out inadvertently in a few years it should be fine, but.

    If there was a way of tricking my parents into letting me go, or letting them find out without them freaking out.

    Or when I go off to college. There needs to be one near me then.
    is it really?

    Damn I need to catch up.

    It could be. Bronzor, Munchlax, and Croagunk are some of the most popular pokemon in Little Cup, and they all have more than twenty HP with no investment. An eighth of thirty is about four, so I guess not, but that's why you have Grass Whistle!

    And if You intend on putting it on a standard team, what good would Speed Ivs do? you're going to go second anyhow. (hint: you're a low level Sunkern. it's basically the law you go second)

    And the thing about Sunkern is, is that it just doesn't get any sort of Priority move bar endure, which does no damage. So unless you want to completely rely on Leech Seed hitting your first turn (Hint: it won't. it will be pretty reliable, but it will fail sometimes) you are pretty screwed.

    Wait a minute what am I thinking >.< it doesn't matter if you have a priority move if you don't endeavor the first turn. DERPDERPDERP you think things through more than I do derp.

    Okay I understand everything now. But you still might wanna consider running Grass Whistle. The fourth move is kind of irrelevant, but eh. You could teach it ingrain. That way it can't be Whirlwinded out and it recovers HP at the end of the turn regardless.

    Also I'd like to see the rest of this team.
    Well, due to the parameters of Endeavor, it cannot lower a pokemon's HP to below 1.

    And a focus sash won't keep it alive forever. It's a one use item.

    I would say use it for Little Cup and run it like this.

    Jolly/defensively based nature however you do EV training for little cup @Focus Sash W/Chlorophyll
    =>Leech Seed
    =>Grass Whistle
    =>Seed Bomb/any other move in existance that it can learn. I would suggest something like Hidden Power (Dragon)

    See, instead of Leech seeding the first turn, you could Grass Whistle, Endeavor, Seed, continue. Seed Bomb for Reliable STAB, but Something like Hidden Power (dragon) would be really useful too.
    No Word for a while; I'm really sorry.

    Can you wait until around the end of August? Again, really sorry.
    What does it mean that you're more diamond than heart?

    Ooh, clarinet. I know this is a very arbitrary question, but what strength of reeds do you use?
    Oh, the whole forums enjoyed your absence. It was the best week ever; so glad you couldn't be here. Where were you for the last week? It was so boring!

    How did the band trip go? What instrument did you play? Where did you go? What was your repertoire?
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