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  • Hey, Metallica Fanboy says that he can't ref Negrek's simulator battle anymore, so you can go ahead and start reffing that one.
    Okay, Mr. Strider.

    Right? And I mean, unless you're certain it will be a killshot, Spit Up doesn't make a whole bunch of sense either.

    ... okay. I see where this is going.

    I just looked at Spit Up on Veekun, and it says the power of Spit Up is 100 times the amount of time stockpiled. That move potentially has a base power of 450, if the pokemon using it is a normal-type! Too bad no normal-type pokemon can learn it... But Heatmor can! Base 105 Special Attack, 300 power... I like this.

    Let's see 50% of 309 is 154.5 so 463.5 Sp. Attack with 300 power! HOLY CRAP Heatmor is awesome.

    so, changing arguments about Spit Up, but only use it as a last ditch effort.
    Right, but Cthulu is hardly an appropriate name for a Gyarados. Save it for Tentacrual or Octillery.

    And I know about his speed problem, but 80 is... usable. I can outrun some things. This said, I do think that Defense might be a better investment for him, especially if I plan on tanking.

    Swallow? Pssh, what, and give up my +3 both defenses? I'd rather just Wish pass. (honestly, I don't get the point of Stockpile==> Swallow. give up your bolstered defenses for health gain, to lose a bunch of hitpoints on the next turn anyway? backwards logic, to me.)

    Though I tend to question your nicknames, I'll not dwell upon it.

    And really? you think it could run UU well? That's more than I expected...

    But yeah I completely get where you're coming from with that, though, and I think it may be the fact of the stalling. If I were to ditch Hypnosis and give it Will~O~Wisp, and maybe stockpile for another offensive move (like maybe Thunderbolt?) What would you think then? (oh and about the speed: That's what the heavy investment is for, silly!)
    I've had my suspicions.

    But anyway, I just wanted to run this neat 5th gen Drifblim set by you. It gets near perfect coverage (the only pokemon you can't hit neutral that I've thought of is Houndoom, but)

    Here it is:

    Timid, 4 Hp, 252 Satt 252 Spe W/ Flare Boost @Flame Orb
    -Hidden Power (Fire)

    See, you Hypnosis your opponent, Stockpile a little, then either Hex (doubled in Power because they're asleep) or Hidden Power them into the ground with your Flare Boosted 1.5x Sp. Attack stat. This kind of doubles as a stall/sweep set (but that's just because of the optional Stockpiling) which I think could be interesting despite its main drawback. (them waking up) The thing is though, not many pokemon with Insomnia get run often (from what I've seen, anyhow) so you can enjoy pretty efficient sweeping, assuming you get them with Hypnosis.

    Defenses are something you may want to look into investing further into (if speed isn't your main thing) and there's the problem with Fire and Houndoom (but I guess you could just as easily give him Hidden Power Fighting if you're running into that many Houndooms), but other than that he should work in theory. What are your thoughts on this?
    Aw, I see you're a bit younger but the birthday shares it's awesomeness with quite a few it seems. ^^
    precisely that. I may be mistaken, but I think its run on Java.

    It's completely free, all you have to do is download it and unzip the folder (or copy the contents to a new one) and you can run it! which is why I like it, no pesky installations.
    the random land generator? it's like an RNG but for Homestuck Lands. see for yerself.

    Well, it is what it says it is, its a club for Homestuck fans. Basically we discuss Homestuck, exchange chumHandles (if you have Pesterchum), and share things we find.
    yeah. That's the worst part.

    But, I just got trolled by the random Land Generator: Land of Electronics and Magnets

    Magnets! how do they work?
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