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  • Who'd you end up fighting?

    I got both very unlucky and very lucky in my match-- unlucky for getting burned in Round 1 with a Mienshao, lucky for not para-failing.

    Anyway, your idea?
    Yeah, but the team I intend to use during the championship consists of my more POWERFUL Pokémon, ie Abomasnow, Ursaring, Bronzong, etc.

    Haven't made the thread yet, because I am waiting for the tournament battles to begin, so I can change up my active squad.
    well, this is just me, but I absolutely love Gliscor. I use him often as a lead and it works amazingly. I've been wondering how he plays with Poison Heal because Sand Veil is kind of boring and Hyper Cutter doesn't do much. I recommend you at least give Scor a chance, because he can lead really well. Never tried it with a Skarmory set, but that's up to you. Although I don't get what he was getting at by saying you have to many Ice weaknesses and then suggesting Gliscor, but. (because adding a 4x weak to ice will help, right...?)

    And 95 is decent as far as attack stats go on physical walls. He does pretty well at using it.

    I also like to mix up defensive IVs for one reason: no one expects it. If they see your Mantine, they are more likely to think "oh, well he'll be this huge Sdef wall, so I just put out my physical sweeper" but if you mix the IVs (I tend to go 128 and 128 regardless of what the base stats are, but you could go 3/4 1/4 instead of 1/2 1/2 if you like) and you take dramatically less damage than they expect, well that's just another advantage for you because they'll be wondering how that is possible (if only for a turn or two) while you sweep them away.

    And I think that Skarmory can take the first hit from Fire Punch and come back from it. (especially if you pull some sort of fighting type move on your opponent, like counter if you want to breed back that far) I have had hard times taking out Skarmorys with my Infernape, and he gets STAB, so.

    I think the last one is up to you, but Skarmory tends to be much more of an annoyance with Leftovers, much due to his impressive defenses (and Rocky Helmet is kind of pointless upon reflection; who would strike your skarmory with pure physical moves unless they were absolutely desperate?) and his Spikes/Whirlwind/Roost combo with either EQ or Steel Wing (not that I suggest running steel type moves) or some other move that Skarmory can use. Skarmory along with Blissey and Scizor can make a pretty deadly team. But, I digress.

    So, I agree with him I guess? But I also suggest you should try a few of these things before you decide to bunk them or go with them.
    Oh whoops, I forgot that it's easy mode, so you do randomize it... 8D; Well let's just hope this battle blows over quick and the next one will be normal or hopeless.
    Yup. :3 For now there's nothing for you to do, but when Griffin's battle starts, you can go ahead and issue commands for the legendaries. You might have to wait a month or two to ref stuff, though.
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