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  • Thanks for volunteering to ref the next legendary simulation. I have enough time to ref Griffin's battle, but if the second slot is taken while Griffin's battle is still going, then I'll let you ref that one. Or, if Metallica Fanboy doesn't ref Negrek's battle; I'll contact him in a month or two if another reffing still hasn't shown up. I hope you don't mind me closely scrutinizing your reffings though. :P

    Since my business partner, Dragon, can't access TCoD anymore, I'm looking for another person to ref/give commands for the business. Could I ask you to command Latias and Latios in Griffin's battle? If your commands and reffings are up to my standards, then I'll let you become a permanent member of the business. It's really up to you though.
    ... Of course. Seeing a 1.3 GB file always makes me think of 7.5 GB.

    Why must I always be so snarky?
    I think we signed some sort of form when I joined the FIRST team at my school.

    But what would I know its not like I pay any attention.
    God I couldn't even read that.

    Remember, I use Syther Slash style. Green fonts =/= see able

    And perhaps, if you behave yourself.
    heck there's even a video on Youtube that has both my face and my voice! wouldn't that just be really convenient to put here? ;D
    I'll gladly give you a link to one of the ones of my hair.

    But, it will contain many other people in the same manner and I won't tell you which one I am. So it's probably worthless to you.
    I know its like somebody deliberately took either bad pictures of me or ones of my hair (which is considerably shorter now)

    It's really weird
    so I just tried to find a picture of myself on the internet (I know there's quite a few and I don't have any picture of myself on my own computer, go figure) aaaand it turns out every picture of me on the internet is either a) completely unflattering or b) of the back or side of my head. :|
    oh, was there a decision?

    Sorry about not really paying attention, I've been busy and will be all next week.
    You know you wanna start the Day phase.

    for loops can do quite a variety of things. If you need something to check repetitive things that would be a pain to code and are basically the same, just with a different number on an array, for loops are really useful. As I discovered recently. They can be a pain to figure out at times... But you declare a temporary variable, then a condition, then... Well,
    for (i=0; i<1000; i++);
    cout << i << endl;

    would be a program that counts to 1000. It declares i, then checks to see if i meets the condition, then, if it does, increases it by one. You can mess with it a lot, but that's a simple way to use it.
    Also, what's the point of a loop that does stuff once? :?
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