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  • Ahh, OK.

    Do you ever feel as if someone agrees with you just because you're a mod?
    Thabks for all the...uh, information.

    Do you have any estimation of when it should come out in English? Or is it already out? I think... I NEED TO HAVE IT.

    And I meant KHII. Heh.
    I haven't looked up Kingdom Hearts since the second! What did I miss out on?

    And I have to go to sleep, so I guess I'll read when I get up, K'? Thanks for the conversation, surskitty~~
    ...AHA! Just rub their eye with a dry napkin first and make sure they don't blink.
    That would get annoying. Flopping solely on their eye would be much more appropriate.
    Meh. That's not fun. So you just have to grit your teeth and bear it? Bleck.

    And you know hat I've noticed? Since you guys are mods, everybody assumes you have a bunch of friends and don't VM you, when, truthfully, you don't get many at all.

    ...Well, either that, or they're all scared of you.
    Whoops, did I report my own post? Wow that's embarrassing. But seriously, Umbreon Rules had completely disregarded the rules of these forums. I mean, do you know how many threads he or she has bumped? It's starting to get really annoying.
    ...What was particularly wrong about what he did anyway? I beg to differ; people have changed in moments.

    The reason I really want him back on is because he is drawing a picture for a collage for Notory. You see, when she got her last chemo treatment, she felt terrible, and Skroy Horitz and I schemed a plan that we would get all of Notory's friends to draw themselves, then we'd make a collage. He is one of two people who are not finished yet.
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