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  • You must have misread. I wasn't going to bother, simply talk to her. I would ask, that if Mehwmew apolagized, if she could come back on.
    I'm...not really sure.

    I'm working on it though, so the number will probably stop increasing.
    Already have one. =3

    Thanks for clearing that up. I'll make sure not to post one. =D

    And I'm a man of my word.

    I'll just make this short and sweet: Do to a paranoia-induced fear of infractions (along with any other forms of rule breaking, for anything), I'm going to ask if a What Are You Listening To? Thread somewhere in Miscellaneous Discussion would be breaking any rules? =3
    I'm, um, on MSN occasionally; I'm trying to go on there more (because I'm an antisocial git and need to stop ignoring my onlinefriends), but I've got finals for the next two weeks, so I probably won't be on too much - though I have practically zero plans for the summer, so I should be on loads after that :)
    <3 I especially love "hey! poor little boy!" and orange badge YAROU NAA?

    ("Hey! Poor little boy! At your level, you won't remain on the battlefield; I'll use my electric Pokémon who helped me during the war! They all used their shocking attacks to paralyze my enemies into submission! Your path will be no different!"

    "Oh no! You're really strong! You're the real deal! Okay! Take this Orange Badge!"

    "When you have the Orange Badge, your Pokémon speed up! And you can use the move Fly whenever you want! YOU SO SPECIAL! This is for my good mood!"

    Hey, kid! What do you think you're doing here? You won't live long in combat! That's for sure! I tell you kid, electric POKEMON saved me during the war! They zapped my enemies into paralysis! The same as I'll do to you!

    Whoa! You're the real deal, kid! Fine then, take the THUNDERBADGE!

    The THUNDERBADGE cranks up your POKEMON's SPEED! It also lets your POKEMON FLY any time, kid! You're special, kid! Take this!))
    Yeah, and Orochi tries to take over both. Though Nobunaga isn't as awesome as the one in Devil Kings. He's voiced by Norio Wakamoto in the Japanese dubs, so there's lots of melons and Britannia's to go around xD

    They're both very good games though, but the voice acting is a... Different story xD

    I meant to ask before though; What kinda Con did you go to this weekend?
    Yeah, and Orochi tries to take over both. They're both very good games, though the voice acting is a... Different story xD

    I meant to ask before though; What kinda Con did you go to this weekend?
    Quite well. Wasted away most of my weekend playing Dynasty Warriors, and Warriors Orochi 2 o.o It's not often I feel like mindless wailing on large crowds of people though, lol
    aren't I on your friends list? "Welcome, surskitty. [click] [click again]" viola

    ... man his hair instantly reminded me of the x-men and I'm not sure why

    or maybe edgeworth!
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