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  • OTL Maybe I need to make a more diverse area, like yours. That someone exudes an aura of sheer luckiness.

    My Zubat. OTL Pleonastic means 'more than necessary', basically.
    Pfff, you've probably got more money than you know what to do with. Anyway, it's not like there aren't any interesting Pokemon left in your area. *is eyeing Swablu avidly*

    At least I probably won't get 4 Swablu and 3 Shroomish in the Safari Zone.
    Oh. <:c

    ... bucks


    Good on you. There are many people in orphanages who need parents and not enough out there planning to or willing to adopt.

    You set your region to Europe and they comment on your Flipnotes. You comment back and then you become friends and stuff.

    Get something with a decent-sized memory. Mine's about 16GB and that's running out quickly.
    Oh no, I realised what that one was, a Torkoal. Another, please.

    Seventy... bucks.


    Ah well, it's not too bad, I guess. You'll still be able to see my Flipnotes, after all. And I may try and get people on Hatena to join up here so you'll be able to meet all of my friends. Some are German. Which makes them awesome so long as they don't start a holocaust or something.

    Cool. What type?
    :3 It's adorable!

    Yeah, Chamomile is my preferred tea. It's just the pollen from the Chamomile flower (perhaps some tea, I'm not sure) and hot water. It helps to calm.
    And yes, that's the general idea of a teapot. XD

    orite. :D
    I haven't actually. Time for a cup of Camomile.

    Which picture? You're doing like fifty-thousand billion or something.


    _ is a small, cyan-colored Pokémon with a balloon-shaped body. _ has a black tail with an eye-spot on it that looks similar to the design of Unown. It has a pair of flipper-like appendages on the sides of its head. There is a round, bulbous growth on _'s forehead.
    ooh Typh I thought of a great game. One of us gives the other the description of a pokemon (but not the pokémon's name) and the other draws the image that comes to mind.

    (the best descriptions come from Bulbapedia)
    Oof, sitting poses are difficult. But it would work, I think. Anyway, if it only looks similar it's technically not plagarizing - it's referencing. :0

    They probably made it up randomly, then.
    Mm? What is it that you're having trouble with in the picture? :0 I'll help if I can.

    ...Well that is a rather difficult situation o.O Snap yo bagels what. I don't get it.
    I don't quite think it's fishing for compliments. It's more like... a subtle way to ask people what they think of you, from my view. If I disliked you for whatever reason, then I would've damn well said so.
    Anyway, like I said, the crap is probably what's making you feel like you're a bad person. You have a right to whine all you want.

    I... can't think of any points that they'd be able to make against you off the top of my head :| Bah, like anyone'd be able to talk sense into them, anyway.
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