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  • Don't forget the -$30 for making the area.

    glorius mind rape interests me but I doubt you'd exchange him for an Onix.
    You're nice from what I know of you - online, at the very least. Don't you get the feeling that I always come and bother you when I have a problem? :P You might be emotionless and sharp-tongued IRL, but I figure it's because of your idiotic class. If your circumstances were different, I'm quite sure that you wouldn't regard yourself in such a negative light, really.
    bah i feel like im trying to flatter you but its the truth aaaaaa

    Did they actually say cartoons aren't art? PFFFFF idiots. So then what about those TV shows, like the Simpsons or something? What about those, huh? -.-
    You. Have an awful class. Or, at least that person is awful. Why is it that the nicest people have the most shit to deal with? :(
    I've never fully exploded in school, but if anyone said that to me, I would definitely be angry. *pats you on the back* Maybe next time I visit my cousins in New Jersey, I'll track that dude down and hit him.

    I don't think I phrased my thoughts well in that thread, either :| UV did it much better. Maybe it's because art is so ubiquitous that people can't appreciate it any more, because it's always right there in front of their face. They don't realize what they're looking at.
    Total. I've earned $30 from the illusionary lake, which means that I've yet to make a profit.

    Hmm... Maybe. Can you link me to your profile so I can look round?
    ...is that Safari Zone money or real money. If Safari, how the hell did you make all of that? And if real, save it for the operation.
    And then you can suck out their brains.

    ...okay, now I want to punch that kid's face in. Seriously. >:( It takes me longer than an hour to refine a sketch to my liking most of the time. Let's see him try drawing something as big as the Christmas grouppic. I can guarantee it will not take him less than an hour. I can guarantee it.

    And this leads me to think how badly the artist is protrayed. People say that they shouldn't get paid much because they have fun with what they're doing, but what about sports stars? They have fun, and they get paid thousands, millions, even. In fact, my English teacher was saying how artists didn't make much just the other week, and throughout the entire thing... oh, if only looks would kill. He'd have been run through several times, then. It seriously saddens me how little people actually appreciate art, like truly appreciate it. :|
    But hey, if you're dead you don't have to attend the rest of your classes! :D
    Also yayyyy apparently I can type 120 words per minute at maximum speed now :DDD

    My classmates think I'm good and all, but my mom... she's always encouraging me to do more realistic drawings. Drawings do not have to be photo-realistic to be good, alright people? God, that's what I hate the most. If it looks realistic, it's automatically execellent; if it doesn't, it automatically sucks. There's something called style, people, and a message in the art. If you can't see it, well, then art's not for you.

    I feel you, Typh, I really do. >.> I like drawing in my cartoon-realism style. I like drawing fantasy stuff. I don't care if it doesn't live up to your standards, mom. Honestly.
    ...sorry that I ranted there for a bit OTL

    :D *goes to stalk Long Eyed Field*
    Are you kidding? My time for a 2.25km run is usually 19 minutes. Basically, if you ran a 2.25km track, then you'd finish nearly a full minute ahead of me OTL I'm good at sprinting and stuff, I just can't do stamina.
    In fact, I nearly fainted from exhaustion once because I sprinted the 100m race like, around 8 times? I can normally only do 1 every ten to fifteen minutes.

    Come on, you draw better than more than half my class xD Most of my buddies can't draw a straight line, shaky hands or no.
    I don't see how her logic works OTL Actually, it's gym that's causing me my stomach problems - it's happened before, when I pushed myself too hard in endurance testing, because my stamina sucks. Though I don't want to tell her that because then she'll insist I go work out somewhere, or something. I'd prefer sitting in front of the computer, kthxbai

    That is a common worry, really. Actually, that's what drove me to improve so much, so it's not necessarily a bad thing now that I look back on it, but while you actually feel like you suck and all it's pretty debilitating.
    I had depression until about one and a half years ago, and it was terrible :I Easily the worst years of my life. It's a good thing he's got friends to rant to, though. I don't know if I could've made it through otherwise.
    Now I'm not sure if I should draw him something, though, because it may hurt his artistic ego...? OTL Bahhhh what should I do
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