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  • My mom's forcing me to cut back. She thinks that that's what's causing my stomach problems and headaches OTL And I drink green tea, which doesn't have caffeine in it, so it doesn't quite help.

    Errr... Can Yanmega learn fly? :x

    Oof, that's pretty tough :I I've never really been teased all that much, so I wouldn't know how it feels. ...and thus I don't have much advice to offer OTL But if he's still feeling like crap around ten days from now, I should have enough time to draw him something~
    Bah, I can't even stay up that late nowadays, because I miss so much sleep. OTL Hell, I'm getting pretty sleepy now, and it's only 10.

    Sky dome :D Well, damn, I don't think I have a flier. But anyway.

    D: I'd draw him something too, if I wasn't so damn busy. Tell him that I said good luck with whatever problem he's having or something, okay?
    What I do is go to Psypokes or something and search up whatever type I need - rock, in your case - and then jot down the Pokemon that make sense. BAM you've got yourself a list :D

    And oo oo when do you think you'll finish it? :D
    I was kidding~ I don't even know what I'd do with that money, anyway. Except maybe trying to get a Snorunt, or something. I dunno. Staryu?
    I think Mike spent a lot of his money, though :P And uh I'm not sure about FMC.

    Oh, oh, Omanyte! :DDD I want one of those~ Will you include other fossil Pokemon?
    I wanna make an arena with electric and steel types, though. Seems to me that there are hardly any places for those types, if any at all.
    Holy CRAP, Typh. Share some with me- *shot*

    Yes, I think it's possible to renovate. I do believe Blaziking's done that.
    I splurge too much money OTL Plus, I can't even keep track of it. I think I have like $6, $26 with allowance.

    I think it's because you have all these awesome Pokemon in it, and you actually tell people what they can get? Like, Gyarados! :0
    It's not as bad as that, I can still smell most things, but say if somebody farts in a room and makes no sound I wonder what everyone's on about. Unless it's a right honker.

    But still, I feel that I need to. You're just so nice, and you don't see that many nice people nowadays.
    I like food too. But I think that I'm missing a lot because I have a nasal problem and can't smell a lot, so I think I may not be able to taste everything too.

    I thank you, Typh, for being so kind.
    I don't even know.

    He also wants to leave his body to science "because it hasn't done the world any good while he's alive". D':
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