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  • Need an E-hug?

    Yup. PEW PEW PEW oh dear that vase looked expensive.

    Yeah, it's a nicer and more humane way. It's now been done. Parasites are horrible.
    Aww, need a hug?

    BANGFINGERS sounds awesome

    Yeah, she won't feel anything. Or at least, she aughtn't. Don't feel sorry, everyone's time eventually comes to an end.

    Yeah, I thought so too. Still, I can get her if she tries anything. I reported to her to our head of year.

    Alright, that sounds awesome. I've seen the OS thread.

    On a sadder note, my cat's just been taken to be put down. It was her time to go, she was older than me. She was happy.
    Sure did do it right!^^

    Heee~ an ID would be awesome!!<3 *hugs* So yes pretty pretty please!! :3
    Was it just yesterday? That's good to hear, I'm not really that good at advice giving, or talking about problems.

    burn her on a crucifix wait no

    Yup, you got me. Well, the fact that it's not like ASB got me, I suppose. How do I go aboyt making an area?
    That happens when you get older. Pressure is put on you from a lot of people. Family, peers, teachers etc.

    Maybe. But I can tell that the Typh I speak to daily isn't an act. You can be nice and kind, and for those reasons I don't think that you deserve depression. Neither do I. But that's my life.

    Yeah, just because a person is older doesn't mean that they have experience in almost everything. I've never been asked something that I didn't know anything about in that sense, but I probably will.

    Melika hit me with a snowball. Right in the eye.

    And I may just be interested in this Safari Zone thing after all.
    I prefer this version just in case you ever wonder why I'm so mindfucked 8D

    Grararara TCoD stop that it did it again I swear argh

    And quiet you you're really good at ASB >:< But I have pride as a Ghost Gym Leader to uphooooooold, KYAHAHAHAHAAAA
    Mike is screwing with uuuuuuuusssss
    Also hiiiiiiiii gods TCoD has been so stupid for so long now argh
    Yes, I serious! I have, er, how do you say.. edited the first post! yes! Only five dollars! Yes!
    Why has your faith in humanity taken another nock?

    Don't worry, I've been through that too. You just need to calm down a littlle. Try doing somthing new, it'll take your mind off oof things.
    OH CRAP- I need to open an area before I go broke. My mom always said I have a gambling problem.
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