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    Typh, you should know by now that you can't screw about with time! Last time the Doctor tried that someone committed suicide and that oh bugger hitler's got a noose.

    and bugger dsi out of power so BAI I suppose.
    *shakes you around* PROCRASTINATOOOOOR. O__O

    The safari zone looks fun. I kinda want to open an area, but I'm not sure what I could use as a random number generator. And I don't know how to post pokemon sprites. And I'm not sure exactly what it would be like... :<
    Considerably so :o I'm 5'9" so Hugh's like what a whole half a foot taller than me.
    They must just stomp around everywhere going HELLO MY LITTLE FRIENDS, WHO WILL TALK TO GULLIVER
    ...You just decapitated Mr. Kittzenvizkerz. And left a bad stain on the welcome mat.


    Wait, that happens to you? I'm sorry to hear that. People really are assholes. Go by my "guilty until proven innocent" approach to life, it helps you to be expecting this sort of thing.
    Actually, I'm constantlt told that I never bathe. By that muslim bitch, Melika, her name is. What the fuck, I have a bath at least two or three times a week, isn't that enough?

    TEAAAAA is it camomile tea?)
    The actual song by Public Enemy. We had to listen to it for some assignment in grade 7.

    ...Speaking of Gurren Laggan, I really should get around to watching that someday. :I
    FIGHT DA POWA. (>o.o)>
    (and for a change I've actually heard that song before. If you are referring to the song, of course.)
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