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  • *takes out a syringe with drugs in it*
    Waitwaitwait why do I have that in the first place o.O *shot, bricked, and Hyper Beam'd*

    Apparently a lot of people hate needles O.o I'm just sorta... neutral. My nerves are pretty dead anyway, so unless I react to the shot it doesn't hurt much.
    *takes out a seweing needle* >:D

    (Ah, TV shows. They're going to take over the world D:)
    Yup. Some of my works are like that too.

    And did you? I must have missed it. I'll look at it in the morn.
    At least flu shots aren't as painful as them HPV shots :< Those really hurt. Also sucks that I kept getting shot on my dominant arm.

    (Orly? When I say I don't have Facebook or Twitter they just pester me to get one, but I just go like naww. MSN is enough for Blazhy :3
    I don't really get Twitter, though. I hardly know anything about it other than the fact that everyone and their mom is getting it. Care to educate me? :0)
    *snuffs a long dribble of snot back up my nose* But I have it already D:

    No, I actually don't. xP But about a third of my class was away today due to some weird illness O.o mommy im scared

    (Ooo. ...Never heard of him. xD I don't watch TV, so I wouldn't know [yah I get some weird looks when I say I don't watch TV])
    Well then keep it looking good, and remember what I said about layers; one for outlines, one underneath for colour. And if you want to be brave, one for highlights and shadows.

    Check your message box, missy. >:D
    *snatches pills* Om nom nom pills? >:[

    (Ah. :< I would say something slightly useful but this is me so um.)
    He's actually the one that beats you up in a sense. Go to Ashido.com or Zarla's dA for some awesome MGS, PW and Pokemon comics.
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