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  • And now THE MOST priceless expression ever:
    "A model aeroplane of water?!" X333333333333333333333333333333
    Words cannot quantify how much I adore this man

    :oooooooooooooo Ooooooh
    Is our language cay-PUH-bl X3

    "Can I help you sir?"
    "Uh, yes, I was after a pair of shoes."
    "Very well sir, I shall serve those first." *looks around the floor with the second most priceless expression ever on his face*
    So when you read these words I'm typing here, you read them all in Stephen Fry's voice?

    You be welcome m'colleague :D *gives you some Stephen-Fry-autographed yoghurt pots*

    Speaking of Stephen Fry, you are so unfortunate that you probably won't have heard the Direct Line advert to which he currently lends his voice, using the quote in my usertitle. Nobody has ever said "Hello, young pigeon!" with such hilarity :D
    In ASB you spoon my epic duel with Dwaggun :3

    Editing pages is easy, I've done it once or twice :o Scroll to t'bottom and there be an Edit Page button. Ye click that. Hardest bit is scrolling through and finding the bit you wanna change.
    Except get TVTropesaddicted but you can do that anyway :<

    (eeeeee abra made it he died right after but fffffffff)
    S'okaaaaay D:

    *Stephen Fry appears and tells you when QI is on* :D?

    (In the last one he also signed his autograph for me... on a yoghurt pot. WHUT)

    Also I keep having dreams where I meet Stephen Fry and ask him when QI is on :/
    And I noticed the head chef at work looks a bit like Baldrick
    And yesterday I heard an American say "loo" it didn't sound right
    And I'm pretty sure there was a fourth thing too.

    EDIT: Oh I remember, I referenced Blackadder in my History essay.
    *Recovers* I-I'm okay.
    Good. Now charge up, then use Thunder Wave then Thunder Punch in quick succession!

    ... I'm gonna go make some popcorn... *temporarily leaves*
    *Crash lands* URK!
    *Notices Blitz* Oh, hey Blitz. Feeling better?
    A bit. :|
    ...Heh.... I guess I lost this battle. GO GET HIM, BRO!
    Um, I still don't see what's surprising about it. Then again I wouldn't be able to understand what you mean unless I see the episode for myself. I'll get back to you when I do see it— whenever that will be.

    Ampere, dodge it!
    How can I while I'm still in the air!? *Get hit* UGH!
    Um. Has notty ever been gone for 6 days excluding her camping trip? Its probably me being paranoid, but now I'm getting worried...
    Okay, the season premiere is two hours long and feels more like a movie than a regular episode. Considering how each episode of House is an hour long, it's nothing too surprising if you ask me. =P

    Anyway... okay then, Amp, and use Discharge!
    *Discharges electricity*
    ...what were we talking about? MY RESPONSE IS IRRETRIEVABLY BURIED

    Also guess what I found out today watching a Holocaust remembrance thing in History.
    Stephen Fry's grandparents were Jewish.
    They lived in Europe during the 1940s but luckily were accepted into Britain.

    Long story short, Hitler nearly stopped Stephen Fry from happening.

    Too. Fudging. Far. Adolf.
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