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  • T_T Maybe she just hasn't had acsess to computors or something, or is still in the hospital, or something like that....WE MUSN'T FEAR THE WORST..............................yet..............
    (...Who are you and what have you done to the Typh I know and love? 0_0
    ... Just kidding. XD)

    *Jumps 10 feet in the air; comes back down at high speed*...Crud! At the rate I'm falling at, I'm not gonna be able to avoid most of the attack! ;~;
    There once was a mysterous person who nobody knew the identity of. They road through the skies... in hot air balloon. But this person would only appear... mysterously... during famines in Arylettopia, tossing pineapples. But nobody knew who it was... just a balloon shaped figure in the sky, and then pineapples with mysterious notes scrawled in them... every note said the same thing, however.

    "A gift from the dusk."

    From then on, the person was known as The Dusk. Every night, the starving masses would congregate in Awesomeno-City's square, waiting for the pineapples to come. And so did The Dusk every night.

    Then one day... a pineapple fell into the Queen's castle, with a special note scribbled on it.

    "Meet me at the place where Dawn and Dusk will unite." It said. Arylett was puzzled at this vague message... but then realized what he was talking about. A special hill, outside of Awesomeno-City, where the sky was known for its vivid twilight. And so, she went to the hill, awaiting The Dusk.

    As expected, the hot air balloon came hovering into view. It looked marvelous in the twilit sky. Another pineapple gently came floating down into the Queen's lap, with another message.

    "One bite, and it will unite."

    And so, she took a bite out of the pineapple.

    Suddenly, a single white hair grew onto Queen Arylett's floof. She looked at the hair, amazed, and about to pluck it out, when a voice echoed behind her.

    "Pull it out, and nothing shall sprout."

    She turned around, but there was nothing there... and The Dusk's balloon had soon flown out of view. The Queen was confused. But she decided to heed this message, not pulling out the hair. As she turned around to go back to Awesomeno-City, she tripped over...

    A red pineapple.

    And with it, it had another note.

    "This is the gift, from Dusk to Dawn. To be united is the way. When united, there is day." Suddenly, upon the entire hill, many flowers and fruit trees bloomed, including a large marvelous tree, with red pineapples upon it, and instead of leaves, it had floof. It was henceforth known as the Flooftree.

    And from there on, the people of Arylettopia had bountiful harvests and the string of famines was over. As for what happened to The Dusk... well...

    Nobody quite knows.

    THE END!
    *Returns* Wow, that's a unique way of teaching kids. owo
    Anyway, how's it going, Amp?
    ...They have some sort of Cunning Plan!™ set up
    A trademarked plan? Hmm.... Okay, here's what you do: I want you to fight by not fighting.
    Shell be fine. Shes only been gone for what, 2 or 3 days? Now if shes gone for a week or more, THEN we can start to worry.
    Flocabulary? Ooh, I must search it up! OwO
    While I quickly look up the word, do you think you can fight on your own, Amp?
    B-But I-I don't like fighting all by myself. D:
    ...B-But I'll do my best for bro.
    That's the spirit! ^w^
    Uh, OK. I'm sure that is suckish.

    But how dos that prevent me from sending you Cydiquil?
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