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  • ...You know of...

    The Legend of Pineapples and Hot Air Baloons?!

    That is the most epic legend in all of Arylettopian History!
    Well, I prefer seeing it things in a symbolic sense. Anyway, I guess it's your turn to fight, Ampere.
    Ampere: SAY WHAT?!

    (My humanities's class main theme song. :3 Aw, the link can't be colored. =( )
    *Gets hit* Ur....gh..........! *Falls unconscious*

    (That's... rather interesting. Hmm, I wonder what each color represents? :3)
    *Recovers; feels weak* Grr, I'm alright...

    (It's a type of synesthesia last I recall. Even after reading a very detailed article on it, I still don't get it. =/)
    *Is knocked down but not fainted*

    What's cool? =S The fact that I name every aspect of my behavior/personality/brain, or the fact that I believe I have a split personality?
    Weird... O_o

    Well, me and Zritts are different people but mentally we are ultimately the same person. I, Skroy, am Ryan's social identity whereas Zritts is the name he gave his muse.... Yeah, he's a weird guy who believes he has some sort of split personality, and he even names his muse. =P
    Meerkat? Chips? The Stigma notation? Where?! :3
    *Stops shooting* Fine then, EAT THIS! *Flamethrowers Lassie*
    (But I didn't say anything. ^^;;)

    The hell~? 0_0
    I second Blitz's reaction. 0_0
    ...Hmph, doesn't matter. *Continues shooting*
    ...Hmm, I wonder if Zritts would be willing to draw this duel scene...?
    *Dodges bullets— Matrix style!* 8J

    ("CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE YOU ARE A PIRATE".... I think I've seen a flash video singing those words before. I'm not so sure though...)
    (I just tried that and it sounded like the arrhythmia of a heart. I'll just stick with my E. =P)

    *Pulls out bullet cartridge from scarf; reloads pistol* >:J

    (Yeah, Blitz wears a scarf with a flame design in my mind. 8D)
    (I tried several times but I can't express it in F. I can, however, express in E. :3)

    *Continues shooting*
    ...Dammit, I'm out of bullets! >:(
    (I find that to be an odd usage of the letter F to express glee. O_O)

    *Barely dodges bullet* Phew. Grr, you'll pay for that! *Shoots back at shoulder blade*
    *Still watches in fascination*
    ...Um, Blitz, shouldn't you be having a duel with Lassiter right now?

    (...Okay, I gotta ask: what do you mean when you type in 'FFFFFFFFFFF'?)
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