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  • (Well I'll beat her TWICE AS HARD for you :D)

    Oh yeah, I'm celebrating Talk Like A Pirate day by listening to this nonstop, join me
    Cap'n Mike were gun'ter tape a little bit o' black paper o'er one lens o' his glasses ter make 'n eyepatch, but he fergot. Arrr :(
    I'm at my sister's place and she has Internet yay

    Also happy Talk Like A Pirate Day
    Naaar, I like to make my own avvies. I never ever use an avvie made by somebody else, it's against the Arylettcode.

    I thought for a moment yours had four hands. XD
    *Returns cowboy gaze*
    *Plays "The Good, Bad and the Ugly" theme*
    *Watches Blitz and Lassiter intently while munching on popcorn*
    Hey, where's the dust ball? :3

    (By the way, the two links you provided me before both sounded awesome! 8D)
    *Comes back with popcorn and a clarinet*

    Why did you bring a clarinet with you?

    Since those two are having a showdown, I might as well play the main theme from "The Good, Bad and the Ugly" since I have the music sheet for it.
    *Offers popcorn to Typh* Want some?
    That's good. I don't want you to have to be in the predicament I'm in. Then again, the main problem, which is my restricted exploration, is of my own doing. I want to go play in the rain. -__-
    Um, need I remind you, Blitz, that we're in the middle of a Pokémon bat—

    *Points pistol at Skroy*

    ..............You go have your duel while me and Ampere go get the popcorn.... Ampere? *Goes to get popcorn*

    *Follows Skroy*
    I'm in a hospital and my parents are getting homework for me. About four days ago I was good to go to school, but that was a short venture. I had to come back to the hospital after I got a debilitating headache that wouldn't stop. I do homework and draw when my cousen can't leave me her laptop.
    It's a hospital. Not a big one, but a hospital no less.
    (YouTube was and is still hating me for the time being. ;~; I'll listen once the videos can actually load).

    Ooh, how scary! [/sarcasm]
    *Takes out pistol* What say you & I have a duel, eh, Lassie?
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