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  • (Late commands are late. Whatever. =P)

    *Countered by counter* Ugh.

    *Recovers* Are ya alright, Amp?

    Quick, Blitz, Flamethrower at Spencer!

    *However, Flamethrower barely pasts Spencer, and aims at Lassiter instead*
    hooray. i look forward to seeing it partly due to me playing ddr and partly because you're satisfied with it.
    suits aren't homosexual for women; they're cool! they're smart! they're somewhat sexy! pity the vast majority of the girls at my school don't realise. XD

    snarkiness ftw
    oh, i had no idea. if that scum at your school finds out you're fucked backwards; a term i don't think i've ever used before.

    and A CANE WITH FLAMES ON WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE? try disguising your meds as vicodin or wearing plain suits or growing a beard.

    okay maybe not that last one.
    i probably need everything in them because now and then i get severe pains inside my body. the doctor said its likely just growing pains but i'm still a little unsure.
    I have thought of an idea for the art trade; myself playing DDR. :D

    (i can't actually play ddr i just find the idea amusing i want to though)

    Yeah I might be on after all maybe because my cousin is at nan's too and he has a USB internet thingy he's gonna let me use ^^ But it's like painfully slow so I might just totally give up, it's taken me about 20 minutes just to get to your profile and post this ><
    I'm actually just surprised you didn't take a look at the dream thing and go WHAT THAT'S STUPID. Because my dreams usually are. >:
    Also it's weird because I'm fecking TERRIFIED of needles and have even fainted at the doctors office before but still when I get hurt and especially in dreams it's almost like a high and it confuses me.
    Also I love watching idiots hurt themselves. :> Jackass is a brilliant show <3 It's all: Arh ha ha ha ha what idorts. But people getting hurt just in random accidents is nooooooo. D: That doesn't count like racing crashes though cause they're being idorts too.
    They are stupidly horrible but it's not bigotry tonight, more just incessant nagging and the usual rabble. But I've been frustrated the past few nights mostly at myself for having sleep troubles like one wouldn't believe. I'm listening to The Flashbulb now and thinking about how I had a real drum kit at my house to try some of this, he has such awkward time signatures. I'm also writing about this little plot bunny from a dream I had last night where I was a Riolu and got an arm lopped off by a Charizard. o_0;;;;;;; But meh. ><;; It's turning out meh, but it was disturbing how in a way I was in a good place while that happened and I'm having to explore my own masochism and gods that was a long unneeded whiny rant and that's why I haven't been around much and I'll shutup now
    he told me but god i'd like to see myself drunk and in a car accident
    apparently fmc's like my bff in the meme O.O
    (I know it's the theme song, I watch the show on certain occasions. =D)

    *Gets hit; flinches* UGH!
    Ampere, counter with ThunderPunch, go!
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