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The Omskivar
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  • The thing is, these trolls weren't really all that experienced. An experienced troll would be slightly more subtle and not make their trolling so open. These guys were pretty much "noobs" to the trolling world, or at best mediocre.

    I did, and you did good. He seemed to have had at least a little trouble trying to point out details to troll you with in your story.
    That's why you just spew random nonsense at them! It throws them off of their game-the new breed of troll is too used to real answers to their trolling.
    Meh. I was going to troll them myself, but they get banned so fast. And yeah, they need to rot-you just can't do that to somebody, even if she didn't like her family at all =/.
    Haha. I was going "Wait, why is he posting 6 months before his birthday with his wishlist? o_O." Then I saw your post saying that your birthday was in August and went "Ooooh. That explains things!"

    Blegh, right as I get on the trolls come out to play =/.
    well sometimes authors of fan fiction recieve some harsh comments but I always try and look at the good parts of the story and build on those
    Sorry I feel I went a bit ott with that last comment i don't normally call people names but you've just got me so angry after basically boasting about starving your dog and by been very mean with no good reason to poor black.
    there are no rewards for animal abusers let me make that clear to you "friend"

    it is all well and good that you didnt see squorns story as a 5/5 and each to his own but no need to hate on me because i rated it highly, how else do you expect up and coming fanfic novelists to hit the big time if you keep holding them back???
    i do not care much for your cruel jibes at me and that black fellow but abusing a pet in an attempt to blackmail me into retiring from the critic business is below the belt
    Your birthday is on the list-it's just under December 6th instead of August 6th XD
    Lol, it's fine =p I'm in Florida on a supposed vacation now, but it kind of sucks. Limited internet access, limits on video game playing time, younger kids running around. But I'll live =/

    How have you been? =o
    Ah. It took me quite a few tries to defeat them when I played it. >.<

    I hated the Leechgrave more, though.
    Oh, but she deserves worse, so I'd just be pushing karma around a bit faster >=)
    ... I sound like a vengeful madwoman =,(
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