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The Omskivar
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  • That... sounds like good advice. "Reinvent" is a bit drastic in hindsight.

    Wish I could return the favor with some advice of my own, but I honestly have no experience with your situation. Just... don't have sex unless you want to. :{
    Sigh. I'm trying to embrace it, honest. It's just... most people know me as a stoic little fatty who isn't really all that fun to talk to but has the most hilarious laugh ever!

    Also I'm really awkward when talking to most people, especially girls who tend to approach me randomly and I have no idea if they're just trolling me and so I don't know how to react and I tend to end up not saying much at all.

    I happen to be moving soon though, so hopefully I can reinvent myself. Then again I'll most likely put that off indefinitely because I'm me.
    There's a lovely little thing called the age field. Or even the date of birth field. -_-
    Though, ah, I'm turning 14 in three months or so.

    @"love and live with" Well, I can dream and hope, can't I? :P
    (though some have said I am a bit mature for my age)

    Bisexual, actually, mostly with what you'd call heterosexual tendencies (about a 2 or possibly 1 on the Kinsey scale). Also, the word "rampant" has negative connotations, don't you know?

    (sorry for the late reply, Avast decided to reboot without asking me and my almost-finished message was lost in the process)
    And I hate it, though at the same time I want it. I want to have someone to love and live with, but I hate the feeling I previously described because it reminds me of how weak I am.

    That is how I tend to make new friends, though I never actively approach them. Every single one of my friends I've met completely by chance.
    I have this ridiculous fear of being soft. Ever. Like, you know that warm feeling of goosebumps you get when you realize just how huge and wonderful and amazing life is, and how you could never possibly comprehend it no matter how hard you tried? Hate it.

    Also the fact that I can't stand being around strangers and try to avoid conversation with people I don't know too well, which makes making new friends quite a chore- despite the fact that I want them, I don't find it at all pleasant to run up to someone and say, "Hi!" Sigh.
    Ah, I see. That must have been exteremely embarrasing for the admin to have had his entire forum deleted.
    Very well. Would you be willing to share the origin of it, perhaps?

    Wait, wut!? Urgh. Silly me. I've been associating myself with that term ever since I heard of it. Luckily never used in conversation though.

    Not sure where this convo is going- I want to discuss my own problems but then remind myself that that would be self-centered. This, incidentally is another thing I hate about my personality- I often abstain from saying things because I'm afraid the other person will think it's rude.
    Wut is this, I don't even. What website did this happen on, and why the hell did an admin make one of his accounts a mod?
    The article before your name. 'cause now you're "The" Omskivar.

    Well, they're not completely out of your control. You can and are supposed to (from what I've heard at least :|) supposed to discuss any problems you foresee with your partner. Except as you've stated, you're the passive type. (are you familiar with the term wallflower?)

    Actually, I feel that feeling of powerlessness quite often as well- usually when I'm with others. And it blows.
    Good. It would have gotten boring eventually countertrolling them, and what they were trying to say to Squorn was horrible
    They were almost certainly the same person, and if not then 2 people max. At least he/she/it/they got banned in record speed-the later accounts only made 1 or 2 posts before being banned. If they were just a bit smarter, then they might have lasted an hour or two per account.
    Hey, is that article optional? :P

    And I read your CC thread. Felt this odd feeling of sympathy and could actually relate to some extent.
    Indeed. I was expecting them to slip up at least once during the whole thing, but far as I can tell they didn't.
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