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  • Laws forcing people to be happy? ;-; Well then,


    Because he will provide us protection against all of the horrible pokemon of the world (Shellos, Budew, I'mma looking at you!) and will provide us exceptional food and lots of free drinks. :D

    Are you free to challenge? I got the Leviathan, so I'm ready. :D
    That's true... but like I was saying to Blackthorn Steele, I don't feel confident enough to stray too much from the standard stuff. The last thing I'd want is for someone to accuse me of playing favorites just because one pokemon's water gun pushed another off the side of the arena or something.
    Yeah, I agree there. :P

    True, I just found it interesting since Charge Beam's effect, at least, has a fairly high chance to occur. Maybe I'm just easily amused... well, I know I'm easily amused. But anyways.

    I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you're fair and not giving one side an edge. My problem is that I can't really tell if one decision will have a bigger impact than another.

    @Kam: Shellos isn't part ground, it's pure water. Unless you're referring to someone's special type-change body mod or something.
    Haha, yeah, female Machamp is pretty funny. So is the thought of male Hitmonchan, to be honest, but that's another story.

    You probably shouldn't be posting strategies out in the open for anyone to see. Not that anyone looks me up anyway, but you never know. xD Anyway, I do personally think the battle is in your favor, seeing as how your Bronzor isn't terribly damaged... I expect you could at least put a decent dent in whoever she sends out before you have to call on your second. I'm pretty surprised at the rolls in this battle, too. I haven't forgotten about any attack's secondary effect, so far as I know, they've all just rolled unsuccessful, including charge beam's special attack boost and all of the three water pulse's confusion chance.

    I think it was the writing that got me close, to be honest, not the calculations. I think I'd made smog take the same amount of energy as faint attack or something. I just went purely by the calculations though, cause I figure if I start adding my own personal opinions to things like that, it could skew the results one way or another.
    Well, I told you, indirect help. You know, I traced your steps and saw what you did and got some idea about how this forum worked, what you could do, etc. I got to the safari zone because of you, for example!

    Wow, that does make me sound like a stalker.
    Yes, of couse I am your stalker!

    No, not really, but I'm (kinda) new at the forums, and you are one of the most helpful persons here, in my opinion.

    Indirect, of course.
    Being good in battle doesn't give me a good enough reason to like something. :P I'm not really a fan of Ninjask, good baton passer or not.

    Well, it seems you managed to at least stall the battle, since the toxic damage essentially didn't make much difference in the end. xD

    At least you made it. I don't exactly trust in my own abilities very much.
    I suppose I could, but I mean, the entire line has always been one of my least favorite since red/blue. :/

    Yeah, it almost makes you wonder why we're required to write it up. If you don't read it, the spirit of the thing is kinda destroyed. I rather enjoy reading them too, and when I'm not reffing, I tend to be reading everyone else's battles. And for the record, I wasn't honestly thinking of that roll for the money. Since this whole battle counts as an E-reffing for me (why Psymon abandoned it when he's still clearly active is beyond me), I get plenty of money for that. The whole not having to figure out more than one set of commands was nice, though, even if the wind seemed to weak to me that I double-checked to make sure I'd done it correctly afterwards.

    That's true, I guess. I have the words stuck in my mind, though, that when I was approved, I apparently just missed the cut for the advanced rank, which is what I tried out for, and with all these little mistakes I can't help but thinking I that it's a little too obvious why I didn't make the cut.
    Shame only Machamp gets that, or perhaps I'd try. xD I have a thing against Machamp, to the point where he's sorta the main villain in one of my stories.

    It makes me wonder if she even read the notes and such, cause she didn't even acknowledge it. But oh well, I guess there's nothing to do but move on.

    Maybe not in speed, but in the aforementioned accuracy, I am, what with the Heal Block error and the Safeguard thing (which luckily was caught before any problems with it arose). I'm pretty sure there was something else of note in the other battle I'm overseeing, but at the moment I can't quite think of what that is. Anyways, I may have the next round done in a couple hours or so, if nothing distracts me till morning.
    That is true, but at half the accuracy. D:

    I can't help feeling a little discouraged at neglecting to put the Heal Block thing in there. I just hope it doesn't affect things too much, cause otherwise that means things were skewed because of me.

    Anyways, I know how annoying it is having to wait for refs, so I do try to work quickly. It seems as though I've been slacking recently though...
    I used Minimal Dewgong, then Scyther Slash, now Roar of Time. (Obviously. :P)

    But we still need a Spectrum Style. D:
    Normally I use Scyther Slash Style, but this one looked so hot on Roar of Time that I just had to switch. :D
    Yeah. T-T Murkow is one of my favorite flying-types, and it matches Roar of Time style pretty well. :D
    It is the epic list of awesomeness.

    ...all of the avatars there are awesome. Including yours. :D

    ...or why didn't Charmander use Flamethrower? xD He used Ember to be awesome at first! D:
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