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  • I remember it!

    I just watched episode 40 (my favorite) and it is still my favorite.
    video does not show. =( but i did see the title, and I have a few things to say;
    OMYGAWDDISISDABESSDINGEVA! It's 20% cooler. Why Wub Woo! This is all coming just from the title, as my internet is crappy and the video wint show. =(
    Joey is tied with Ryou for second for me, actually. I just think Ryou is cute. Like kawaii cute.
    Oh yay cornucopia! *stuffs turduckenpowt in cornucopia*
    A turduckenpowt has turkey, duck, chicken, pork, beef, and goat in it. My aunt made it up today. XD
    Just remember, no matter how much you fail, Romano always fails more.
    I meant France is a pervert. And not in a good way. There's a reason England is my favorite character. As for YGOTAS, Marik and Bakura are tied for my faves. Ryo is second.
    By the way, happy Thanksgiving because I won't be around tomorrow! :3

    EDIT: I think it's *EFF* but I don't really care. That's just the way I'm doin it.
    Oh, now you poke me. When I'll have to leave soon.

    Regardless, *pokes back*

    Also, random.
    I already changed it. And it fits because I really don't want to be French. Do you have any idea how much of a pervert he is?!
    That's me talking Hetalia again. Anyway, I've got to go to bed. I might or might not be around the forums tomorrow.
    I dunno. You never can tell when you're obsessed.

    I said that and now I cant think of any good Without Yugi lines. ...*EFF*. I think I'll go with Leather Pants, I know all the words to that one. :3
    I would do I'm on a Blimp, but it has so much *EFF*ing cursing. I'm actually leaning towards Without Yugi now, though Joey will always be one of my favorite characters. I would do my sig too, but I promised the My Little Pony club I would have a pony after Doctor Who Profie pic month.

    I am totally doing the *EFF* thing permanently from now on.
    Yaaaaaaaay! I'm planning on putting a reference to Brooklyn Rage or something like that in my description. *continues to stare at Bakura and Marik*
    I tend to comment on people's sigs and stuff. And act like a total fangirl over random stuff. Like YGOTAS.
    *blink smile blink* S'okay. Please excuse me while I write long, convoluted poetry.
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