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  • I have to ask, when you say that the hair reaches the end of the spine, you do mean the top end, right? Because the other alternative is right next to the AAASSSSSSCHEEEEEEKS-what? I didn't say "asscheeks." Dunno what you're talking about.
    Excelente. VAMOS.

    I'm actually almost done with a request, depending on whether or not Lirris wants shading on it.
    Psst, America.
    Let's go take some baklava.

    *nonchalantly watches Marik and Ulqi*
    I want to see this.
    :( Aw sorry. I almost wasn't able to play Majora's Mask because my Wii wouldn't turn on but it worked in the end.
    *le follow*

    The Avengers like shwarma, so it MUST be good! I gotta try some!
    I actually just got Skyward Sword a couple days ago for free :D I haven't played TP yet, though.
    *follows Ulqi*

    Are you sure you're okay?

    Relax, there'll be shwarma and falafels and things. :3
    Yeah, the first time I read about it I couldn't sleep. But Majora's Mask is a terrific game, i think. It's my favorite Zelda game :D
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