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  • O3O
    I have a real life friend who wants to be Canadian and so she taught herself French
    she's actually quite good

    Prussia tried to teach America some German once.
    ...It didn't turn out well, to say the least.
    Ah. That could be useful. I couldn't really decide wether to go for Caramelldansen, Gitchie Gitchie Goo (it's from Phineas and Ferb) or a real song that I have.
    Electric: 'hai?' what are you saying 'yes' for? haha jk. HAAAIII!
    Me: Electric, stop using the keyboard! Wait... wasn't Yami using it?
    Yami: *groan*
    Me: WHY did you faint my Larvesta?
    Electric: 0_0
    It's.. A little better now. I guess..

    From GC Chat:

    # TeamUnitedNerds Have you seen my face?
    # 9:51 TeamUnitedNerds And I can be pretty annoying
    # 9:51 Vampire Queen of Ooo Yes I have
    # 9:51 Vampire Queen of Ooo '-'
    # 9:52 Richie Cordelia SHIT
    # 9:52 Richie Cordelia ULQI WAS HERE
    # 9:52 Vampire Queen of Ooo Yep
    # 9:52 Richie Cordelia YOU ASSHATS DIDN'T EVEN GREET HER
    # 9:52 Vampire Queen of Ooo I didn't notice until now
    # 9:52 Vampire Queen of Ooo When you said that and I scrolled up
    # 9:52 Vampire Queen of Ooo '-'
    Unfortunately, it'll most likely be months before I'll be able to watch those. My Kindle Fire, my only source to watch videos, is broken.

    My Mom blames me for it, since I was the last one to use it, but there's no way in hell it's my fault, so my self-confidence just died a little. She won't actually come out and say she thinks it's my fault, and instead, keeps shooting me "you know what you did" glares and barking orders at me like I'm a servant. I really hate everything at the moment.
    Ooh okay. And I'm going to assume "Jeff the Killer" refers to your avatar xD
    I'll probably read at least one of them later :3
    It's a good excuse if I've ever heard one :3 I haven't read that many lately I might start again :D
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