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  • I read some of them at night which wasn't a very smart move on my part I didn't expect them tovbe that bad >>;;
    @LuckyLapras: Wait, the Internet Browser can access Youtube? Dang. All I ever did was visit TCoD on there. Then I deleted it.
    Found iiiit~
    and the one that led to it although a lot of it's pokemon stuff it can be creepy.
    *huggle back* TCoD works though, and I've always got my Wii for YouTube When my sister isn't hogging the T.V and Google works on my phone. *waits unpatiently for free internet*
    I know. I don't get why Windows CE exists. I can't get a new operating system on it though. YouTube won't work. AAAARRRGH!
    I know. The main computer of the house has it. My other brother has it (like, 20 times though) and my laptop won't download it. "Chromesetup[1].exe is not a trusted Windows CE application." Die CE, die
    He didn't really take notice. He used it afterwards, and Internet Explorer went all "Glitchy McGlitch" on him. I bet he'll be angry if that happens again. Plus, it recovered.
    Blow up my laptop, blow up! *begs for laptop to blow up* I keep on telling him to get Chrome or Opera or something better, but he won't listen

    I like drunk Vegeta. A lot. I need to make that happen in DragonBall Quest.

    they have such squishable skulls, those Yoshis

    Speaking of Vegetable's awesomeness, this is his theme, sung by his Japanese Voice Actor

    EDIT: Gotta go now, so here's a bunch more videos.
    Vegeta explaining the birds and the bees to Trunks
    Something with a weird title, but please watch anyway
    Trick or treating with Vegeta
    Not actually funny, more creepy
    The source of my Wikia avatar
    I start sometime in September. Thankfully I get the whole of August off. On a completely random note, I fried my brother's laptop yesterday! =P

    I knew you'd love that! Who do you think sounds the most drunk? I think it's tie between Raditz and Vegeta. Goku just sounded high.

    And Piccolo sounded like he had brain damage.

    Have some DrunkenBall Z to make you feel better!

    EDIT: Buh bai, leabing computer nao
    *sigh of relief*

    Phew. I was worried.. Now go make your house page-y whatever. GC is now very close to 200 pages, which makes me happeh! C:

    Eh. I kinda want to encourage you to get an apartment because I'm scared of how your house will look.
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