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  • My favourite has to to be the "And... BOOM GOES YOUR OVARIES!" Probaby because I'm doing the reproduction cycle in Science. Grr... Biology... =P
    I don't know whether to be scared or impressed by that fact...

    You know I don't even know his name o: what's he called
    Yeah. That was one of them, there was another one though. It went "due to Caramelldansen's crazy _____". My mind has drawn a blank. Meh liek your gifs! =P
    .... Huh.
    Yeah. I decided to go crazy with the colours, due to Caramelldansen's crazy-ness. I had a word to describe it, but I forgot
    it's too bad that it ended I had so many plansss. :c
    Are you sure he's looking at me with that glassy eyed look... o.o
    I would tell you what mine are, but I like playing games. Check out a post of mine and guess! My adoptable egg hatched! I have a female Chikorita! And my avatar really only looks good because of the waves. I need to get a new one
    I didn't really change the colour of it. I kept it "automatic". And I use the "Roar of Time" style as well! My avatar looks amazing on top of it! I may try lyrics again, probably a different song that nobody has probably ever heard of. =P
    Yeah. I made a sig once with some lyrics from "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People (Why are the drum things for that book marked on my brother's laptop??) And *.gifs, I don't wanna ruin my laptop's processor. Also, I am using my brother's laptop, mine has had trouble with Wi-Fi. Also, did I put "ad", I meant "and"
    Yep! Most people on Wikias have Wiki Relationships.

    I got me a Boyfriend, cute little sister, Jeff, my bro-in law, and an adorable daughter.
    Join the Club! Thanks dude, I don't understand the people in my class. The girl I like is in my class as well ad I sit by her in a few lessons, and they are terribly amazing. Also, what would you say I should put in my sig?
    Was he posting an eye twitch emote a lot
    Because that may have been a crazy day for Jeff
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