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  • Well, first, make sure you're using the template Person Infobox. Too many people use that lame Infobox that comes standard on all Wikis, which annoys me >.>

    In the part that says "Image", put [[File:ThoseCoupleOfWordsAtTheEndOfTheUrl.jpg|200px]]

    Make sure you got your image uploaded to our Wiki. :3 Replace "ThoseCoupleOfWordsAtTheEndOfTheUrl" with.. Well, those couple of words at the end of the URL! And jpg with whatever file extension it has if it's not .jpg

    And as for size, you'll defintely have to use the Preview button a lot. I'd start at 200 pixels and play around with it a bit.

    EDIT: http://goatcity.wikia.com/wiki/Example:Bob_The_Flower

    Our example page should answer any other questions.
    hell no Kanga mama don't need one >:U

    I created pre-evos for :
    Venonat (Venogrub)

    Evos for:
    Persian (Pridelyne)
    Snorlax (Chomplax)
    Houndoom (Houndespair)

    and about 100 more. '-' Not kidding, I have three pages of just names...

    Oh rly?

    They're not that original, most evolutions and pre-evolutions of existing Pokemon... Case in point, Venogrub, the one I'm drawing right now '-'
    why must you stab my eyes

    I guess that will do...

    Random thing: I'm inspired by that Kandia region thread that's been popular. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out. Anyway, I'm half considering posting some of my old Fakemon Designs. What'cha think?


    I blame DarkAura. She kinda forces it on people, which is a horrible way to get people to like it.

    Uh, I expected as such > . >

    I shorry my Goat City friends don't make you feel welcome! ; ^ ;

    Don't worry, later in the day, Jeff and other DBZ-orientated people will pro'bly be on.

    How about just to ten?
    Eine, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.
    :3 I'm okay. I just wish I didn't have to go to FREAKING TAE KWON DO. I mean, I like it, but it's too much for me in one day. D:

    How are you...
    "Wie geht es Ihnen?" And you could respond "Mir geht es gut", for "I'm fine".
    Yay! I love gummy dinosaurs! *chows gummy dinosaurs*
    Things have suddeny started looking up. I've managed to get on the FJ forums, and I've been handed a mountain of gummy dinosaurs.
    I think the reason why people find me annoying is because I live in a anti-Pokemon area. I'm just hoping I'll get her to like me. Then after I rave to Pokemon music some more, my life will be complete. =P
    Meh, it's nothing. A lot of people hate me (including this keyboard I'm typing with! *5 letters, SKIP, 5 letters, SKIP). Ironically this was a girl I like. But I don't give up that easily. =P
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