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  • *hugs* Thanks, I kinda needed that. I've been depressed since that happened. All her friends hate me as well. And I've lost my only friend in school to a BlackBerry. They're not deserving of capital letters
    Yay! That creative writing I had to do today went well. But the girl I like won't speak to me and tries to kick me in the face. The face. Who knows how many times people have tried to kick me in the face.
    Umum... Soul Guard, yes that!
    It's okay but I'll be watching... so the finger-gun shan't be pointed at me... >->
    I know I don't know you well and you were in an rp with me and I'm probably making things so awkward they're awkward...
    but your avatar scares me slightly O.o
    Yay! More gummy dinosaurs! Imagination slowly building back up! I'm starting to see the bright side of things! (Please go well day)
    I've got writers block and I've gotta do a lot of creative writing today. Just hoping I can eventually write up a story. And get her to like me
    Hooray for the internet! I'm hoping things turn out better today with her. If not, I have internet, gummy dinosaurs, you and B2W2 music! =P I also have writer's block.
    *pats back*

    Uh, anyway... I think I should go to bed now. And by go to bed I mean browse Tv Tropes until I pass out in thirty minutes.

    If you say go to sleep I'm deleting the message.
    Ok, my eyes are bleeding significantly less now. I couldn't think of anything to do other that do the fire bending equivalant of screaming "FIRE" into a crowd.
    It's fine, it's fine. Actually pretty good for someone who supposedly doesn't understand Wikia.
    Hey Ulqi, I deleted my most recent post in the RP. It was very badly written on a cellphone. Nothing will change in the actions, just it will be rewritten to where the spellings and typos I missed don't make my eyes bleed.
    Traps Ulqi-chan's spirit in a vial and packs it away.

    I hope I don't get stopped by customs.

    And, I will miss the first day. We arrive late in the day on the first day. But I don't care, I'll be at the open house on Wednesday, so I'll know where to go.

    Shizui takes the pasta. He stores it in a heated carrier and plans tommorrows meal.

    Thanks Ulqi. As long as I don't get stung, everything will carry-on great. Expect that Fwee thread once I get back. If school doesn't screw with it. (We come back on August 6th, the same day school starts.)
    i will. so much stress is going into packing now.

    wasp killing, hair cut-thursday; set up for reunion-friday; reunion-saturday; church-sunday; flight-monday.

    i may just go insane this week.
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