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  • I'd never heard of it until my Arabic camp. You can usually buy it at Arabic or Mediterranean shops as dessert. It's AWESOME.

    Also, I think Ulqi is rubbing off on Frost a little. :3

    Yeaaaah, it's not too great...
    Baklava is gooood.

    We're going to make sure Marik doesn't get any baklava.


    *whispers something in America's ear*

    That's PERFECT! 8D
    Yeah, there's gonna be something called falafels and shwarma which is totally awesome Robert Downey Jr. says so and also baklava it's going to be totally AWESOME~!

    Wait, did you say baklava?
    *Marik mode*
    Oh, I was already heading there. Something about Cairo revolutions and some guy named Mubarak and stuff.

    For the record, that happened a year ago.

    Well yeah, but Egypt's havin' a party or something!
    *kicks America*


    *looks at Ulqi*
    Also, my whole 'picking up accents' thing might have something to do with being a dragon and all.
    There's no reason for your accent to have changed much, really. You haven't been spending as much time in the UK, and that's pretty much the only place you might pick up an accent.
    ...I think.

    ...In the UK.

    Shut up.
    Immature idiot...
    And now I'm starting to pick up an accent from Artie. :3

    I actually have lived in Louisville my whole life, but my mom is from the Appalachian mountains so I talk with that accent sometimes. I also tend to speak with a slight British accent after watching British shows.
    Most of the time, though, I don't have an accent. Unless you count my weird inability to make the 'th' sound. People usually don't notice it, but... :/
    *wasn't there when it was revealed that Frostagin was a dragon*
    Since when is Frost a dragon?

    Since ever.
    You weren't there then, were you?

    But... You've got a slight Appalacian accent...

    I lived in Hindman for a while. Then Louisville.
    argh no brain this rp is not usuk

    And me.
    I don't really have a nationality, though...
    I had to do a project on the specific event America's talking about. ;.;
    *huggles back*

    *starts crying*
    I-I hope so... God, I hope so...
    Me it's mostly Vietnam, cause of... things...

    *Eyes tear up*
    Y-You weren't there o-on May 4th, 1970...

    That wasn't your fault! That was just bad decisions and mistakes!
    aggh I hate to get all angsty on you but the Vietnam war just makes me cry...

    You know, looking back on the Vietnam War, I'm really not proud of myself.
    I mean, sure I was all anti-Communism and stuff, but still...
    So many things happened cause of Vietnam... and...
    *is obviously resisting crying*
    Well, at least it wasn't France.

    Wait, since when do you hate France?

    Since France supported the war in Iraq. :/
    *whispers back*
    I'm not going to start anything unless I have to.
    Considering I'm obviously strong, and obviously German, I shouldn't have to do anything.
    *walks over*
    *stands behind Ulqi*
    You know, I really don't like people like you.
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