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  • (England)
    *overhears conversation*
    *walks up to creeper*
    Oy! And what'd you be doing around my girlfriend?
    *annoyed because creeper is taller than him*
    I dunno. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
    Or whatever flies your plane. :3
    I wonder if we'll run into Tobus- nonono don't think that it's crazy enough with America here
    *starts looking around along with Ulqi*

    We've got a rather sizable family, actually.

    In order of age, there's Wales, Ireland, Scotland, me, Sealand, and Northern Ireland.
    Yeaaaaaaaaah... I'm gonna just be quiet now.

    I'm Wales. England's oldest brother.

    Wait, what?
    England has brothers? Like, actual brothers?
    Other than Sealand, I mean?
    *looks at Wales*
    Who's this guy?
    I mean, his eyebrows are just as big as England's...

    WHY YOU...!

    Hey, calm down, little one...

    And he's got a funny accent too.
    Wait, did you just call England little?
    Could you stand to be a little less loud?


    Where did I go wrong... Somebody please tell me...
    ...If only I had an iPod...

    Blimps are fun.
    Flying in ge-


    Oh god.
    I dunno if I'll be on tomorrow, considering fireworks and things. But maybe he can fill up our leftover twenty minutes... >:3p

    *sits down*
    *le sigh*
    my uncle was forced to transfer there or lose his government clearance. so i will be visiting him.
    i am happy, i'll be in germany over the summer (july 23 - august 6; not really summer, but)

    the culture sounds sooooo interesting. germany's, sweden's, and sealand's.
    i dont know what attracted me to sweden, maybe it was his quiet personality. maybe it is the way we are so similar. or maybe it is the fact that i love his suit in the first hetalia episode.
    i honestly hoping someone picks sweden. /my fave nation/

    of topic: the one i rng'd had japan as a lover, selecting sweden night one. sweden died night two and japan killed himself from the loss
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