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  • even i have to force le sabre into it, i will make sure germany gets used in mine
    yea, lol.

    i just found that someone has done a hetlia mafia before. :O

    good luck on the sealand=terrorist fanfic!
    no problem, that was just a random word documented mafia i did on my own. it doesn't matter who sees it or not.

    something you may find funny: sealand as a terrorist.
    when i did the rng guided one, the rng i used put america, england, canada, and switzerland as mafia. germany rolled as detective.

    i wont use those roles on the same nation this time, though because anyone can read this.
    i was going to link you, but i decided against it. i didn't know if you were into mafia or not. but thanks! i've done a, sort of, typed one. i did it straight out of my mind using an rng and it turned out alright. so i wanted to test it with real people.

    i am thinking about changing the title to 'Meeting of the World'
    We did not. It could be either of us, really, and it should have started yesterday, but nobody finished by then.

    Would you like to do it, or do you want me to? I kind of have an idea of how to start, but I'll have to play with it some more. If I do it, I'll run it by you first. Post in the OOC thread to warn everybody it's about to start.
    Just don't touch my curl.
    Ever again.

    Yeah, they're touchy about that for some reason.
    *follows Ulqi*

    Really, my family isn't that great...

    *rolls eyes*

    We should probably follow them.
    I feel so bad for her, even if my family problems are probably worse that hers...
    Th-Thanks, Ulqi...

    IF you want to talk about it...

    No, not right now...
    If you say so...

    You're so lucky, Artie! I mean, you have a great family, and I have nothing! Nada! My family sucks!

    Mine's not that great... I mean, Ireland hates me and Scotland and Sealand pick on me...

    *eyes tear up*
    But you still have Owen, and Northern Ireland! My whole family either hates me or thinks I'm crazy!
    *looks depressed*
    Ulqi's lucky... At least her parents liked her...

    Ulqi...? Are you okay?

    Sothach... Did I say something...?
    ...It must be nice...
    *falls silent*

    Frost? Are... Are you okay?

    *lets go*
    Aw, poor Ulqi.
    Yeah, it must be nice to have an older brother that actually likes you...

    Owen is the oldest in the family. Next is my only sister, Ireland.
    After that is Scotland, then me.
    Then comes Sealand, and then finally Northern Ireland.
    It's a big family, to say the least.

    That's not even counting all those colonies you had a while back.

    I don't even want to think about that.
    I have a feeling we'll get along.

    Why is that?

    Long story short, she IS a dragon.

    That's so cool!
    *hugs Frostagin*
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