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    It;s really fun.
    *somehow manages to get that trololo guy in her head*
    OH GOD.
    *can't help singing quietly*
    Trolololololololo. Lalalalala.
    I just wanted to stop by and inform you that that is a beautiful signature gif xD
    It not being by the book is the reason I haven't accepted it yet. Everything checks out, but it's just difficult to find information about it. It was cool to see it done another way, but when you have to search for information between the lines, it defeats the purpose of the form in the first place.
    yep Air's Rock is what made me quit Golden Sun 2 which you've probably never heard of but oh well here's the music
    you should click around the Golden Sun music, most of it is pretty boss for a GBA game :3

    *is now humming a completely different song*
    Oh god not Air's Rock anything but Air's Rock I hate that place but it's in my head D:
    Huuuuuuum, humhumhum hum hum hum huuum, huuuuuuuuuum, huuuum~
    yiran's, uh... "form" is up. Interesting to say the least.

    ANYWHOS, I think I may open sign-ups for people more prepared to jump in immediately after all intro posts are taken care of.

    *takes a step in a direction, then points*
    Plane's this way, right?
    Ehehehehe. >:3

    Should I be scared?

    You can still have some baklava~!
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