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  • (Germany)
    Well, considering Italy's my best friend and I have Prussia for a brother...
    I usually end up thinking about things. Or worrying about him.
    *points behind him, where Italy is sitting*
    Yay! /rolls around in noobcicle oils and all the like
    Nei Ho, Gia'sou, Aloha, Jambo to you :D
    Hm, your username is pretty unique, how did you come up with it, if i may ask?
    Oh okay xD /is a n00bcicle
    but anyways
    It's okay, I've never been told that I smell so I consider it a worthwhile experience u_u and "hi"s are great. Escpecially in different languages :3
    I'm going to go sit back down. The air is not for walking.
    *goes back*
    *sits down*
    boooored D:
    I never liked planes.

    They're boring.
    Want a peanut?

    No thanks.
    I've read that Creepypasta. Not very scary. You're so lucky to have emulators. This is my mom's laptop, so I can't have any emulators on it. >> And the site where I play Crystal isn't working. ugh...
    Even if it was me, how would I know if it was you or not? I don't know what you look like, XD

    But that's pretty cool. :3 Anyway, did you know that you can play the first two generations of Pokemon on this really cool site online for free? (playr.org) It's really cool. I'm playing Crystal now (If only my save file could load. >>)

    Kind of sort of random, but I seriously wish that Nintendo gives out free gameboy games of Pokemon on Nintendo eShop on my 3DS. I'd totally play Crystal if I was able to on my 3DS. <3
    Have you seen her avatar/signature/user title? I have brought her in, and she sides with me on the Nordics!
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