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  • (Italy)
    Ve~ Yep~! I remember that~!

    Remember when Marik showed up and he was walking ridiculously slowly?
    It seems like so long ago now.
    That was a lot of fun.

    Ve~ Didn't I buy you guys ice cream back then?
    Hey, can you maybe control Lazarus? I think it would make things simpler.
    Ve~! Yep~!
    We were looking for the council of...
    Something~! Riight~?

    I remember that.
    Heh, we were pretty secretive then...

    Cause nobody knew about Italy being Italy, Frost being a dragon, or Ulqi's job~!
    I really didn't need to explain that, did I...
    We got some ice cream~! Sorry we didn't get any for you...

    I didn't have enough. We were lucky there was even a couple yen in my friggin pocket.

    Aww. You're so cute, Roma-chan.

    Shut up.
    *softly runs to the elevator*

    (Everyone Else)
    *cause it's a pain to type out all those separate reactions*
    *walks out*

    *bows to Kaiba*
    *walks out*

    *walks out*

    *walks out*
    He knows nothing about leadership.
    Geez, elf respect is so much easier.
    Mostly because you have to be respectful if you want to be respected.

    I have half a mind to stop being nice to him. He needs to learn to be more respectful.
    You're very welcome, Ulqi-san.

    I bet he was adopted. From America. Because he certainly doesn't act Japanese.
    For some reason, we get paid a lot, even though we don't really do a lot of work.
    It's just always happened.

    Thanks, Kiku~!
    *also cheap, like yours truly*

    Yes, I can.
    Also, if you have a problem with allowing me to pay the tickets, I may be able to lower the price...
    If we weren't flying to Egypt...

    Er, Ulqi-san? I might be able to get you tickets...
    It makes sense.
    *resists urge to glare at Kaiba*
    God, his ego is like fifteen times bigger than Prussia's... And that's saying something...

    *figures she should bow too*

    *bows out of politeness*

    *knows nothing of Japanese culture*
    Yes, actually. I'm sorry if I startled you, Ulqi-san.
    *steps out*


    How convinent.

    *attempts, and fails, to bow in the elevator*

    Ah! Japan! Hello!

    Oh, hi Kiku.
    *follows Ulqi LIKE A NOT-SO-LOYAL WORKER*


    *follows all buisness-like*

    My skills in politics should be useful here.

    I'll just pretend to be a completely different person. Like I usually do around him.
    Um... Romano, Italy, you two should actually stay out here. Call one of us if anything happens. But don't call Ulqi. Okay?

    Shouldn't one of us be watching them?

    We'll need all the help we can get. But those two in Kaiba's office? Not a good idea.
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