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  • (Frostagin)
    Man, am I glad Bakura isn't around...




    *stares at Italy*

    Whaat? Ulqi was happy, so I wanted to be happy too~!
    *skips out*

    Ugh, you are so weird Feli...
    I hope we're going the right way... I won't say anything...



    Could you be any louder?
    No, don't answer that.
    Should I ask her?

    I'm so boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored.
    Gaaah plot twists!


    *has somehow found her way back to the main room*

    Oh god, please tell me she doesn't have a gun in that bag of hers...
    I'm alright, I goose. Conflicted a bit. My internet life is going good, been making lots of progress with my lil' roleplaying website and junk...
    My real life is topsy-turvy. It's been that way for a while now. I can't honestly tell people how I feel because something's gonna happen to change it the second I do. I wish things would just stay the same, or at least have the same mood, just for a day!

    Oh yeah and then I had a panic atttack and my mother called me a baby fuck my life gaaaaaaaaah I need Dragonball Quest

    Damn all I do is complain to you
    Lucky, I don't go on vacation until a few weeks. But hey, I get to go in the Smithsonian. FOR FREE. 8D

    Well, "frequently" isn't the same as "constantly", right?
    There's Harry Potter Puppet Pals and Hitchikers guide in you siganaturrrrrrrrrrre

    Hi howcl are you
    Oh well~!
    BTW, today is Towel Day! Did you remember your towel?
    I forgot mine. :p
    I... I kind of understand how you feel. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the past, I get kind of lost in my memories... But my friends are always there to help me come back down to Earth.

    I'm honestly not sure what goes on in your mind sometimes.
    But maybe that's a good thing.
    I... I think I see what she means.
    *sits down on ground*
    I honestly don't know what to tell you, Ulqi.
    It's certainly interesting.
    The food is only okayish, though.

    You know, there really isn't such thing as a 'normal' person. Even among us countries. Prussia's kind of an ex-country, England has always just stood out, China's really really old, Italy and Romano represent the same country... Everyone's different in some way.
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