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  • (girl)
    Nah, it's cool. I'm the one who bumped into you, right?

    *runs over to where Ulqi is*
    *stares at girl*
    Why the hell are you here?
    And I thought you were against human transformation?

    Well, I wanted to see why you liked all these little people, Frost.
    I must admit, they are fun to play with.

    I honestly can't believe I'm even related to you.
    See, this is why I hate crowded places.

    (a girl)
    *accidentally bumps into Ulqi*
    *hands money to the driver*

    *random thought*
    I wonder if they have a Cash Cab in Japan.
    I've spent four days mostly in the car except for sleep and sightseeing

    I wonder what plane we'll be on~?
    i know
    but mom and dad say if we can drive there we will drive there
    it's so booooring
    i get stuck watching stupid movies
    except this time i think i get to watch doctor who :3

    It is interesting, isn't it? I used to love flying in the clouds, back when I lived with my cousin.
    It was also nice getting away from my cousin.
    She scares me.
    i do too
    i've been staying up all night on my dad's ipad
    or at least i would if mom didn't keep taking it from me

    I think they have peanuts. I wouldn't know. I've never been on a plane.
    But mm peanuts.

    Also yep I've never been on a plane
    I'm probably not going to be on a plane for a few years
    at least until I go to China and Korea
    if that ever happens
    what um
    a pomegranate

    *pats Ulqi on the back*
    I'm not even going to comment.
    I'm both curious what you imagined me as and scared to know at the same time.
    So does this make you a tomato?

    Shut up!

    Heh, now he actually looks like a tomato.
    *looks at Ulqi*
    I don't want to know, do I?

    It's cause they're always eating those damn potatoes.
    I know~! I can't wait~! I leave on Saturday. :3

    Ve~ He just does that.

    It's not just me, he does it to Prussia too.
    By the way, I'm going on a trip to DC on Saturday and I'm not sure if I'll get Internet access on the trip, so I might not reply for a while. I am going to post lots of pictures of the Smithsonian and stuff. :3


    He gets like that around Germany. I'm not really sure why.
    (everyone else)
    *le gets in*

    Do I have to sit next to the potato?!

    The airport, please.
    Break on through to the other side! (I think I know this song :P)
    O: Midna! :D
    I'll try to read it soon!
    I haven't had a chance yet :(
    Sorry it's taking so long...
    Weeeee mini van taxi~!
    *hops in*

    *counts the money in his wallet just to be safe*
    Didn't we go to Germany's house? And then he tagged along and we went to Artie's house?
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